Chapter Thirty-Two

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My shot rang in the room without hesitation. The bullet swiftly ended John's head, knocking him cold. Without a second to waste, a second gunshot echoed, instantly killing Adam.

While they were speaking, I easily took the cover off of the vent and positioned myself for the perfect moment. I couldn't let Vespa die. I wouldn't let Vespa die.

Noah jumped from the vent, running straight to the two thugs holding Vespa back and punched them square in the jaw.

Tony watched, his greedy bug eyes watching my every move. He swiftly walked across the room, fear marked along his face. Vespa tried standing up, but stumbled as his fingers just escaped Tony's silky white shirt. I jumped out of the vent, too late to catch Joker's hard tumble on the ground.

I ran to his side, kneeling beside his wound while Noah ran after Tony.

"How is it?" I asked, touching around the bleeding area. He grabbed my chin, hoisting it up to his face. His eyes showed no sign of pain, contrary to what the bloody leg would tell one. Instead, they were excited - in such a crazy daze that my heart felt the same craze.

"Nevermind that. How did that feel?" he asked, nodding to the two men I killed. I looked at their lifeless bodies and smiled.

"I feel like I've tried a new drug, and I never want to get off this high," I whispered. Joker's eyes looked into mine and suddenly, his dark brown eyes turned a beautifully soft caramel. I gasped quietly, unable to tear myself away.

"You saved my life," he said, gratitude in his voice. I smiled timidly, my crystal blue eyes fixated on him.

"I didn't think you cared much about living or dying?" I asked, curious to why he was still holding my chin.

He looked down for a second, breaking the eye contact. My heart stopped for a second, as if to tell me I said something wrong. The caramel gaze was reignited, however, with a look I couldn't deny anymore.

"I started caring once you were in my life."

That look was love.


I had my hands on the steering wheel, accelerating the beautiful black car far more than I should. But I didn't care - that high from killing John and Adam was still in my heart and mind and I didn't want it to go away. I refused to let it go away.

"Damnit Crane! Can't you see there's a fucking hole in my leg!" I heard Vespa scream from the back seat. I took a quick glance in the rear view mirror to see Vespa laying in blood-stained leather seats with Crane working quickly to mend his wound.

My eyes connected with Joker's, and I quickly broke the connection, focusing back to driving.

"Noah?" My voice peaked over Joker's loud curses and yells. The man next to me turned to look at my face and smiled.


"So, you know how I'm driving 80 miles an hour currently?" I started. He rolled his eyes, briefly looking over at the speedometer.


"What would happen if the police caught me right now? Would I have to pull over?" I heard Vespa's voice crackle in the back with a laugh.

"C'mon doll! If I didn't see it, I'd have a hard time believing your sexy little ass killed those two bastards with that kind of a question. Pull over? Then what? Think you could explain why you're driving 30 over the speed limit, and also, I don't know - why you have the most wanted criminal in your backseat bleeding his leg out?" he laughed harder as Crane started stiching his leg. I stared at him through the mirror, my heart fluttering slightly as he winked back to me.

"Yeah. I'd have a great explanation. 'Oh officer! Thank you for catching me! He's been forcing me to tote him around everywhere. What a monster! What a demon! Oh, my knight in shining armor!' And then your sexy little ass would get plopped into Arkham and I'd be cruising straight to Jamaica with all of your sweet cash," I said, winking back at him. He turned silent, a smile threatening to come out from his tightly pursed lips. I knew I had it coming later.

He turned back to yelling at Crane as both of the other two men seemed very confused - and jealous for one - at our interaction. I sighed, and leaned towards Noah.

"No, but seriously, what would I do?"

Hope you guys enjoyed! Leave me a comment and vote to let me know if you did!

I'm going on vacation and I'm trying to rid as many electronics as I can, so I won't be writing much. Apologies, but in two weeks time, I will try to write quickly and most as soon as I can!

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