Chapter Twenty-Six

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I saw blood dried onto the concrete sidewalk. My body was shaking, laying on the cold ground. The sun was blasting its rays onto my skin, burning my torn skin.

Footsteps were echoing around me. I could see faces showing concern onto my crippled body, but I paid them no attention. I felt dead.

A fast running broke through the wave of panicked whispers.

"Emmeline?" a loud voice broke through the crowd. Noah.

I whimpered, moving my broken body towards the familiar sound. He pushed through the crowd, revealing his worried face.

"Oh Emmeline..."

He picked me up bridal style, careful of the open wounds on my body. I continued to shake violently, causing him to pull me closer to his chest. Noah was moving as rapidly as he could back to the house.

"Just a few more moments and we'll be home, ok?"


I moaned in reply.

"What happened? Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?" He shot questions continuously, giving me a headache with each concern.

"Just..." I wasn't able to finish my sentence. I didn't want to talk about what just happened with him. I wanted someone else.

He shushed me, and my head fell back against his chest. I was happy he didn't press the subject further. I didn't want to think about that memory. I wanted to erase that run and make it disappear forever.

Noah opened the front door of the house, and immediately, I was taken away from Noah's arms.

The intoxicating smell hit me at once.

"Joker," I whispered, feeling relaxation hitting my body. I opened my eyes to see us being rushed to the bedroom. Noah stood back, worry and confusion striking his face. I tried to smile to him in thanks, but the feeling of happiness was too much to fake.

"Here. Lay down." Joker dropped me softly onto our bed, giving me pillows to rest my head upon. He handed me a glass of water, and I tried drinking it, but my shaking caused me to spill.

"I... I know why I killed him," I stuttered. He sat on the bedside, softly touching my bleeding knee. I winced from the pain, and he looked up at me.

I almost gasped. His eyes carried such worry and fear. His makeup was worn once again; evidence of perspiration struck his forehead. My weak state might have altered my mind, but I was fairly certain that I saw him shake mildly. Biting his lip, he leaned closer.

"Breathe. Relax yourself. Tell me later."

He spoke in a soft and reassuring voice, but my tears couldn't be held in for longer. Sobs erupted in me, and the bedroom shook from the loud screams erupted my throat.

I could feel the stranger entering me, carelessly thrusting into my defenseless body. The pain and shame took my body over, limpness impeding all of my movements. My mind just continued to jump back to the ridicule and harshness I was subjected to. The cruel beatings. The demeaning words. I didn't matter. I was just an object.

I was raped. Brutally. By my husband. By his friends.

Joker jumped to my side, sitting down next to me. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder, and I naturally curled into his chest, silencing my screams. He stroked my hair as I heaved, trying to control my breathing. His motions felt familiar, and I continued to eliminate the space between us.

Minutes flew past as I relaxed my body, trying to close my eyes against the warmth next to him. He stayed silent, his breathing consistent to help me regulate mine.

"Em," I looked up at him, the tears finally drying on my face, "are you ok?"

I shook my head. He pressed me hardest against him.

"I was raped."

I felt his body tense.

"By whom?" His voice was sharp like a dagger. I could sense the anger seeping out of his body. I was too distracted to wonder why he was so concerned.

"By my husband. By Edward... by John and by Adam... By who ever else," I croaked, trying to hold in my tears. I could feel him starting to shake again.

"He beat me. He told me it was my fault. He-"

"It is never your fault. Don't you dare ever think that," he snapped, lifting my face to look at his. I saw tears forming in his eyes.


"He beat you?" he interrupted.

"He banged my head against the wall. Kicked me in the stomach. Called me slut and whore. Raped me." My words started to drift by the end. The memories were floating in my mind, taunting my useless body.

"I'm going to kill them," he whispered with venom dancing on his tongue, "I'm going to fucking chop them up-"

He stopped when my tears started to pour down my cheek. I could feel John mercilessly passing me onto Adam, their laughs echoing the room. I felt worthless. I felt used and drained. My body ached, as if the beating happened five minutes ago.

The man I married would beat me. He raped me. He punished me for being raped by his friends. I was nothing more than just a ragdoll.

"Kill me instead. I want it to stop."

Joker cupped my face, pulling me closer. I could smell the minty cigarette breath I've become familiar with. We were inches apart. He looked straight into my eyes, almost pleading.

"I will never," he whispered, stroking my bottom lip with his thumb. I closed my eyes, squeezing out the ending supply of my tears.

"They raped me."

"They will pay. I will make them pay."


"There is no 'but,' do you understand? There is never a fault for being raped," he suddenly grabbed my hands, and I felt their warm was spreading through my body, "there are only fucking bastards. And I swear to you I will destroy them.

"No one will call you slut ever again. No one will call you whore. No one will rape you or beat you again. For as long as I live, I promise that. I will kill them."

Those words were a sound of relief. I wanted them to pay. I wanted to kill them. I wanted them to feel the same pain I did. They deserve every single horror that Joker can inflict onto them.

"Make them pay."

I opened my eyes as he brought out foreheads together. Our lips were centimetres apart, and I found myself wanting to close that gap.

"I'm going to keep you safe," I shook, wrapped in his body. The serial killer that killed dozens of people was stroking my hair. He had my laying on his chest, relaxed and safe.


He opened his eyes, looking at mine. His mouth was agape, as if he wanted to speak. I felt my heart thumping loudly and quickly. His eyes held warmth and compassion, with anger hidden in the back. I didn't know why he was doing this. Why he cared so adamantly. Wasn't he beating me before?

"No one is ever going to hurt you. And no one will ever make you feel guilty or worthless. You are everything." he said, each rapid breath of his pulling him closer to me.

A knock echoed through the room, and both of us jumped away from one another.

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