Chapter Twenty-Two

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We all sat around a round table, listening to Michael report on a recent bank robbery that he and the boys did. Everyone listened to him intently, except Joker, who yawned loudly. Michael swallowed, trying to be distracted.

"What I've noticed is the increase of cops in centr-," he was distracted by the screeching of the chair when Joker stood. He walked to the mini fridge in the room, and grabbed a water. As he took a sip, he released a loud sigh. My eyes followed his frame. He didn't seem tired as he usually was, and had a dangerous perk in his step.

"Uh. . . as I was saying. . . increase of them in-," Joker retook his seat, and loudly placed his feet on the table. When Michael began to speak for the third time, Joker interrupted him.

"Are you all content with this... boringness?" he asked calmly. I looked at him, confused.

"What do ya mean, boss?" Noah asked, avoiding looking at me. We haven't spoken since that night, and I felt as if he was embarrassed. He noticed my glance, and turned red.

"Come on! Let's do something fun! Robbing banks, stores. . . Who are we? Low level thieves? Ever since our old crew was taken down, we've been straying off of our regular path. Remember the fun we used to have Noah?"Joker said, taking another sip of his water. His makeup was freshly painted.

"Ya boss, but after that run in with Tony-"

"That wasn't our fault and you know it," Joker stood angrily and walked to the window overlooking the street. I could see a couple walking together across the house. The woman laughed as the man pulled his closer into him. I felt a pang in my chest and Joker sharply turned around.

"Don't you miss that excitement? What rush do you get stealing money? What fun is that? What havoc does that bring?" Joker bounced around the room, tousling my hair. I was surprised by his outburst in energy.

"Craner! How is the thing going?" he asked, locking eyes with the doctor. Crane grimaced.

"We need some test subjects." I felt my stomach drop, and heard the eerie music playing faintly in the back of my head. My body went cold and my heart started to race. He wanted to subject more people to this?

"Goodie! There's nothing like a little messing around in the mind! Crane, you'll be in charge of that. You have plenty of people at that hospital of yours!"

"Ah yes genius. Why not take mentally insane people and further decrease their sanity?" Another worker, Eugene, snorted. He had short black hair and a fair complexion. Typically, he was very quiet and only spoke in short intervals.

Joker barked a laugh.

"Don't begin to tell me you've began to feel sympathy for some lunatics."

"Well, I work for you, don't I?"

The room went silent. Whatever shifting or breathing the rest of us were doing completely stopped. Joker cocked his head to the side and smiled at him. I noticed the dark look in his eyes and inhaled deeply. He carried a look mixed between anger and happiness - a lethal combination in his terms. He skipped to Eugene, who had realized his grave mistake.

"Oh! You think I'm crazy, do you?" Joker was inches away from his face and Eugene trembled in fear.

"No sir."

"Really? Than why are we calling people crazy? Do you think Noah is crazy?" Joker spoke softly and Eugene tried his hardest to avoid eye contact.


"How about Michael?"


"Dr. Craner?"

"No sir."

"And what about our dear Emmeline?"

Eugene hesitated for a split second before answered the question with the same response.

"Why did you hesitate?" Silence.

"Why did you hesitate!" Joker roared, asking the question for the second time. He grabbed Eugene by his neck and pushed him against the wall.

"Sir I didn't!" he replied, sweat rolling down his forehead. I stood from my chair, wanting to step in but freezing.

"Oh but I think you did! You know, Eugene, it's not nice to call people crazy. See, me, I've got a tough shell to crack. I can take it. But if you dare to call her crazy, you'll pay." Joker spoke with anger in his voice, terrifying all in the room. Every single word struck us like a whip. Eugene trembled under Joker's grasp.

"And sadly for you, I like to make my payment slow and painful." Joker said with gritted teeth. He pulled his knife from his coat and whipped it against Eugene's neck.

"Joker!" I cried out, finally stepping forward. This man was not going to die because of me.

"What? Want to say a few words to this jackass before his life ends?" he snapped, never letting go of his deadly glare.

"No! Don't kill him!" I said. He finally turned around, looking at me. I gasped at the anger seeping from his eyes. He was furious by the fact that someone called me crazy. Why did it matter so much to him?

"Don't kill him? Who do you think you are to tell me what or what not to do?" he roared, almost stepping away from Eugene. I flinched as he growled towards me.

"I'm someone that you're willing to kill a man over from just his words. So I'm begging you, please don't kill him." I asked, trembling as a smirk came upon his face.

"Fine. I think we've found our first test subject." he pushed Eugene towards Craner, who swiftly grabbed him and started walking to his room. Vespa chucked and began to walk the opposite direction to our room.

"No! That's even worse!" I ran, following him.

"What? Is that another guy you're worried about? It's not only Noah?" he snapped, not even looking me in the eye.

"You didn't have to do that! People say things all the time! I didn't even care." I said, disregarding his previous comment. He stopped walking and pushed me against the wall.

Hope you enjoyed! Please don't be a silent reader! Let me know what you thought and give a vote/share :)

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