Chapter Five

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I woke up with a banging headache. My eyes were hard to open, but when I did, I wish I hadn't opened them. The sun shinned straight into my pale eyes and I grimaced in pain. I tried to sit up, but when I placed my hands down on the bed and tried to hold my weight, I cried. My left hand was bandaged and ached when I wiggled my fingers.

I looked around the room. It didn't change much except for the fact that in the vase next to me stood blush flowers. The room smelled fresh, like clean linen.

I tried to slip out of the covers onto the floor, but when I touched the ground, my leg almost collapsed. Almost forcing myself to push through, I was about to hobble to the closed door when it opened.

I braced myself for another attack by the monster. I wondered if this was his room. I wanted to puke, knowing that this could be the place where he sleeps.

The man that I hit yesterday stood at the doorway with a tray of food. My stomach grumbled loudly, enough for him to hear it and smile. The grin crept up to his eyes, instantly making them twinkle. He slowly began walking to me.

I started to heave. I couldn't help getting scared. Enough has happened since I first woke up in the warehouse to completely lose my faith in humanity.

The man sat the tray at the foot of the bed and stood next to me, eyes peering over mine.

"Before you say anything, no hard feelings about the kick. I'd try to escape if I were you." he said, smiling. My tense body started to relax, but I continued to stare at him fiercely.

"Why don't you then?" I asked. He laughed.

"Because I'm not you."

He held out his hand in front of me. I looked at it and then back at his eyes.

"I don't bite. Pinky promise." As almost without thinking, I grabbed his hand and shook it. Warmth filled my body.

"Noah Atkinson." he smiled.


"Does Emmeline have a last name?" his voice held a note of teasing that made me crack a smile.

"Reine. Emmeline Charlotte Reine." I repeated it to myself. I couldn't forget it again.

"Emmeline's a beautiful name." he said, grabbing the food platter and bringing it to me.

I remained silent

He helped me get up to a sitting position and placed the tray in front of me. I dug into the cheddar cheese and crackers. The crumbs fell freely onto the bed, but I didn't care. I felt like I haven't eaten in days.

"You haven't." Noah mumbled.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"You haven't eaten since you were brought here. 2 days ago. I imagine this won't be enough for you." he said, fiddling with his fingers.

"2 days?" I asked, sipping on water. It had just occurred to me that I could have eaten poison. But my hunger had gotten the best of me.

"Why am I here?" I asked, pushing the tray away. I hit the side table with my hand as I tried to turn around and cried out.

"Careful. You're pretty battered up. Let me see your hand." he asked as he held out his hand for a second time. Cautiously, I handed him my fingers.

His hands worked fast, unwrapping the white cloth. He put it on the table and observed my. When he dropped it to retrieve something from his bag, I recoiled and looked at it myself.

It was completely purple at my knuckled, with dried blood at small cuts. I tried to bend my hand into a fist, but nearly screamed at the pressure. It wouldn't happen.

Noah took it back and wrapped it again. Next, he moved to my feet and softly grabbed my ankle. I jumped, hitting my head again. I winced as he touched what seemed to be a swollen foot.

"You twisted it. Nothing more. You'll have to walk on it soon." he turned to look at me, and his eyes landed on my nose.

"And Joker didn't seem to break your nose. Relax. I'll be back with more food." he said, grabbing the empty tray. I tried to get up, but my ankled prevented it.

"Wait! Noah!" I cried, desperate for any answers. But he waved me off and left the room.

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