Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Back in the meeting room, I rested my bandaged leg on a small chair while sprawled on a comfortable couch. Joker was standing in the front of the room. He looked at me and winked. I smiled, unable to continue looking at him. As I turned my head, I saw Noah fuming at Joker. However, as he noticed me staring, he grinned. I returned to gesture, almost wanting to get up to ask him if he was alright.

"I have a new idea, lady and gentlemen," Joker started, smirking already, "Well, this isn't exactly new. We're finally ready to take on Barratt."

Loud murmurs rose in the entire room. Only Crane seemed unsurprised.

"Shut up!" Joker yelled, and the room silenced itself. He picked up pictures of men and started to tape them to the whiteboard. They all seemed similar to each other at first - dark haired, dim eyed men scowling at the camera.

Then, I stopped scanning the images of men as I arose a familiar one. It was the man who almost killed me in the warehouse when I first woke up.

"Wait! I know him. He died the night-" I stopped speaking as Vespa put up pictures of John, Adam, and their friend Luke.

"Frank? Well isn't that a pleasent surprise!"

"Joker, that's them! That's-" I attempted to speak, butJoker interrupted me.

"Kill whoever you want to when we're attacking them. But you leave ol' Tony for me. And you see these three fools?" he pointed to the bastards, "You bring them to me. If they're dead, you're dead."

I kept staring as he continued through the details of the heist and the plan. Jokerwas avoiding my eye as he talked, but his almost black eyes challenged everyone in the room. The room sensed how important this heist was, and remained dead silent through the rest of the meeting.

"As a closing, I have a little surprise! It's been awhile since I've joined. It's about time, don't you think? Be ready boys!" he smiled, cocked his head, and walked out of the room. The room remained silent, except for the relieved sighs that no one was shot today.

I jumped from my chair and walked after Joker. He was rounding a corner as I called out to him.


"Me!" he replied, and continued walking.

"Stop!" I yelled, running to catch up.

When I did, I mustered enough strength to push him against the wall.

"Doll, I didn't think you were dominating. I always took you as a sub," he grinned, not resisting my hands clenched on his arms to pin him to the wall. I knew he could take me down easily, but he choose not to.

"How'd you know it was them?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Everyone has a bit of stalking skills in them," he joked. I groaned, frustrated that he didn't tell me how he found them so quickly.

"Just fucking tell me," I growled, getting on tip-toe to achieve eye-to-eye level. He smirked, moving closer to my face.

"You're getting feisty doll. Swearing even. It's hot."

"I don't care if you think I'm hot or not. I just want to know."

He looked at me.

"It wasn't hard. We've been keeping track of Tony for years now. And when you came along, I found out your husband's name was Edward. It wasn't exactly difficult to find wedding pictures, and bam! Groomsmen darling."

"You're doing the heist for just that?" I asked, loosening my grasp.

"No, it's about time we put Tony in his place. He's a fucking coward. It's just a little extra. Now..." he startled me by a sudden force and pushed me against the opposite wall.

"You know, you looked beautiful on your wedding day. I cut the bastards out and carry you in my wallet," he smiled, but I stared at him.

"You found them," I mumbled to him. He looked at me and nodded.

"I told you doll. I will get them for you," he looked into my eyes, pressing his body closer to mine. I could feel the warmth of his chest on mine, and I realized how I no longer shook with his touch.

"I'm coming to the heist. I want to fucking kill them all," I whispered to him. He grasped me by my waist with one hand, hitching me closer.

"We need to stop pushing each other against the walls and stop lingering our lips," he moaned in my ear and my heart fluttered like crazy.

"I like this. Pushing is so-" I paused to raise my mouth against his ear and I felt a small shudder run through him, "animalistic."

"Fuck Emmie..." he said in a voice so familiar I froze.

"Emmie?" I asked, pushing myself away from him. I furrowed my brows and his eyes flashed a sense of panic. He cleared his throat and tried to quickly regain himself.

"It's time I give you another little nickname, don't you think?" he asked, removing the seduction from his voice and enlarging the space between us.

"And what? I just get to call you Joker?"

"I think you forget who's the boss here." he smiled.

"I don't know. We are going to kill the bastards in my life."

"They just happened to be bastards in both of our lives." I nodded, looking at the ground as he stood by me, looking out the window on the wall. It was storming outside, the neighborhood gray from the obscuring clouds.

"Thank you," I said. He quickly turned around, clearly uncomfortable.

"No, Joker, thank you." I said, taking a step towards him, slinging my arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. He stiffened for a second, but quickly regained his composure to wrap his arms around my waist and squeezing.

It felt like I had always been in his arms.

"Hey Boss-" Pete's voice ran through the hallways, and we both jumped from each other. Joker turned around, looking deadly at Pete.

"What?" a growl emitted his lips.

"Noah wanted me to ask you a questions." Pete asked, his voice wavering.

"Of course he did." Joker mumbled, walking hastily towards to meeting room. Noah walked out of the room at the same time, and Joker bumped his shoulder against Noah's as they crossed paths.

Ok so this is one of my FAVORITE chapter so please please please let me know what you thought!!!!! I'd really appreciate it :)

XOXO and good luck on finals!

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