Chapter Thirty

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Noah walked to me and smiled. I sighed in return, but held my smile.

"Thought I'd save you from him," he said, walking with me following.

"What do you mean?"

"He's obviously obsessed with you, and he's ready to beat at any mishap. Plus, what enjoyment can you have from being continuously stalked by a serial killer?" Noah said, stumbling slightly. I froze a second.

What was I doing?

What the fuck was I doing?

My previous moment with Joker flew through my head. I was ready to kiss him. I wanted him. I just forgot all of his sins from his promise to give repentance to those who sinned against me. I hugged a psychopath who took enjoyment from killing.

And I wanted to kill too.

My head began to spin. I wanted to understand Joker, and worst of all, I felt like I knew him. I felt connected to him, as if I had known him before.

I was ready to forget all the times he beat me in order to know him.

He promised to never hurt you again.

I could tell I was falling into deep mental deterioration. The man who captured my body was starting to capture something else. It was like a gruesome remake of The Beauty and the Beast.

Noah fell, catching himself on the wall. I ran over, helping him up.

"You know, we're not all bad here Em," he said as I started to carry him back to his room. I laughed.

"I don't know about that Noah. You are working for Joker."

I opened his door, and he fell onto his bed, patting the comforter. He reeked of alcohol, and it was only 10am.

"You think I've got a choice in whether I want to work here or not?" he snapped, putting his head on my lap as I sat down.

"What do yo-"

"When Joker was 18, he found me in the streets. I had just ran from my foster family. They were mean people, beating my sister and I. I used to watch cartoons, and they would sneak up and strike me with belts to punish me for relaxing after hours of hard labor. I was only 13," he revealed, eyes closed. I wrapped my arm around him, my heart breaking for him.

"Joker found me in an alley, almost starved to death. He had also barely just run from home, but he was already gathering a noticeable reputation. I was so shocked anyone would want me that I easily went with him. He fed me, and asked for my story.

"I told him everything. He nodded silently, listening to every word. After I finished, he told me that he'll be back. Hours passed, and when he finally came back, his clothes were bloody and worn.

"'They will never be a problem again,' he told me, rubbing my hair. I asked about my sister, but he said she was no longer there. He held my largest respect from that. He was like a protector, almost a hero. He saved me from my troubles. Little did I know I would be stuck here forever.

"After a while, I saw Vespa killing for fun rather than justice. That's when I started to lose my respect for him. He was a monster. I'm a good person Em. He saved me, but as much as I owe him for that, he won't let me go."

"He won't let you go? Have you asked?" I said, wiping a tear from his eye.

"He just won't, ok?" he sat up, and took my hands. I looked at him, as his eyes were tearing and his hands shaking.

"Stay away from him," he said sharply.


"He's a bad person. You're a wonderful human, just like me..." he said, cupping my face.

"Noah, please-"

"You belong with me, not him. I'm the good guy." As he finished his sentence, he began to doze off, and before I knew it, he was asleep.


I looked at Noah, sleeping soundly and snoring slightly. His face wrinkled slightly, expressing pain.

I caressed his cheek, but stood from the bed.

He said Joker was a bad person; that is something I could never argue. He's evil. A monster. He just wants to see the world burn.

But the thing was, more and more everyday, I wanted to see it burn too. 


It's been really important that Emmie doesn't just fall in love with her kidnapper - you know, those steroetypical fall-in-love-with-kidnapper-and-forgive-him. I've wanted a more she-goes-insane type thing so please let me know if I'm doing that efficiently!

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