Chapter Nineteen

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When we entered the crowd, I immediately lost sight of Kamdyn. Men began placing their hard hands on to my waist, roughly tossing me side to side. I tried pushing myself out of the crowd, but somehow lost myself in it.

The people around me where all different. I could easily recognize some from the news channel, which showcased their name, picture, crime and reward. I saw Queen, a petite black lady that preferred to burn her victims alive. Shadow, who tried to nuzzle his drunk lips on my neck, was a high profit gang organizer. He escaped police officers multiple times, someone always proving his innocence.

I was in a crowd of criminals.

My heart began to race, fearing that once they discovered my good nature, they'd begin a plot to eradicate me. I pushed through them, seeing more familiar faces.

I needed to get out.

Crane stood out, his height noticeable. I squeezed my way to him, although he stood in the middle of the floor. He noticed me as well, and began moving towards me. I felt small hope of finally leaving.

"Enjoy yourself?" he nearly screamed. Before I had a chance to answer, he jabbed a needle into my arm and dispersed a liquid into my body. I cried out but no one seemed to notice. Imminently, I felt my body swaying and head loosing focus.

"It's to loosen up, sweetheart. Nothing bad, don't worry. Have some fun, he winked at me and moved back to his dance partner in the familiar red dress.

I tumbled against a tall man holding a liquor, and heard the glass crash onto the floor. I grabbed onto his shirt, pulling his face closer to mine. He reeked of alcohol and the spilled liquid on the floor didn't make it any better.

His head became two heads and I reached to touch one. I grasped cloudy air, smiling slightly. The man smirked, noticing my intoxicated state and spun me around, laying a hand on my waist. He started dancing and I followed, swinging my head to the music.

The music was loud and thick, suffocating my eardrums. I could taste the sweat roll of the man's neck as he grinded his pelvis on my hips. He bunched up the hem of my dress, slowly rolling it up and touching my bare skin.

My head circled lazily as I became engulfed in the man's touch.

Suddenly, I was transferred past the crowd and another man roughly began groping my hips. I raised my hands, transfixed by the movement of body parts. Sweat was seeping of my body, making my hairline wet.

"I am glad boss decided to keep you," Derrick's voice whispered in my ear. An instinctual part of me begged me to run as his hands forcefully held me in place, but I couldn't seem to move. My muscles twitched in his grasp.

"Let go," I slurred out and he laughed.

"Maybe another drink in you is needed," he smirked, clenching my ass. My eyes rolled to the side and I pushed him away weakly.

I watched a large fist come into contact with Derrick's face and he crippled onto the floor. A small ring formulated to watch the fight unfold and I saw Noah wrestle the ginger into the ground, pounding blood.

I couldn't focus on a spot and as a loud bang erupted in the air, my ears rang. Laughing, I feel onto a woman. She cursed at me, pushing me off and returned to her husband.

The dance shifted into a more sultry sound, and my hips automatically began to sway. Multicolored lights flashed in my face and eyes as I spun slowly in circles, oblivious to all my surroundings.

Another pair of hands grabbed my waist, warm at the touch, and pulled me into the man's chest. I could smell the familiar scent and my mind triggered an alarm system. Yet my body didn't move, but unlike with Derrick, there was a part that didn't want to leave.

"Sad to see someone leave our little group," he mumbles as I pressed into his body and his hands became stronger on my small waist. I rose my hands up, swaying to the beat as I felt his body heat and sweat radiate onto mine. He inched close to me and I closed the gap, the logical aspect of my brain shut off. The high from the drug, the club setting and my sexual drive began to dictate.

His lips met at my neck and a moan escaped my lips. I was lucky enough to have the noise muted by the music. My submission would have easily given all the power he needed.

I continued to grind as his lips nibbled carefully. He was cautious, sinking in my taste and smell and the feeling of complete absorption in our partnership made my heart race.

The lights danced on my face as I parted my lips. I opened and closed my eyes systematically and everytime that the blue eyes scanned the floor, different colors and people moved. My head spun widely, making me stumble away from his lips.

He wrapped his strong arms around my waist and instead of groping my body, he began to sway slightly. I was surprised by the simple movement. I laid my head backward onto his shoulder, breathing in the minty breath not even partly compromised with alcohol.

His grip was tight and secure - I wouldn't be able to part with it even if I wanted to. My mind shook off the thought of mortals and the fear I normally would hold. Instead, I tilted my head lightly to the right, rubbing my cheek against a thick stubble growing on a strong jawline, I looked up, my sight blurry and off-centered.

The multiple brown eyes looked straight at me with a passionate severity and ownership.

He believed I was his.

The rest of the club danced lustfully, eyes wandering around looking for more partners after tonight's was over. They roamed their hands freely, touching, kissing - just like us a few seconds ago. But it was different now.

The closeness of our bodies wasn't driven by lust. It was driven by toxins on my part and something I couldn't fully comprehend on his. His eyes didn't roam the many women, some topless and ready to serve to all his wishes. They were locked on mine - dazed and confused.

A sudden realization of who I was dancing with hit me. A small groan escaped my mouth and my body became limp in his. He stiffened, understanding that I regained my senses and was preparing my body to fight back.

He pushed me down onto the floor, done with me. I stumbled, watching his wide shoulders move past girls throwing themselves onto him. My head rang with the sound of gunshots and a strange melodic tune that wasn't anywhere correspondent with the music blasting. I opened my mouth to scream from the pain that has arisen in my stomach, but my throat went mute.

The humans dancing near me grew large fangs and panic began jumbling my brain. The lights turn dark and morose, with shadows creeping around me. Slowly, the dancing music subsided and was replaced by a simplistic piano song.

Humans turned into figures, cloaked in complete blackness. I turned around, my ears wanted to bleed out the piano. The figures stared at me with yellow eyes and merciless white teeth drenched in blood.

It went silent.

We know what you did.

The figures lept onto my body and I fell onto the floor, unconscious.

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