Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"It's like you don't know what a fucking straight line is. At least try." Noah decked the head of the new recruit as I walked into the gun room.

"C'mon, you can't possibly be worse than me." I laughed slightly as the two men turned to face me. The newbie was almost a head taller than Noah with a dark head and bright gray eyes. As he saw me, his eyes looked my body up and down. I scowled at him, but that didn't stop him from licking his lips.

"Noah, who's this treat?" he said in a silky voice.

"I wouldn't try anything Pete. Joker will kill you." Noah said, making me raise my eyebrow at him. Noah just winked.

"Plus, I only like men who can actually hit the target," I smiled, thinking of yesterday, when I went to practice shooting with Joker. That shut Pete up, as we went straight back to trying to shoot the paper figure. Noah walked over to me, a grin rising with each step.

"Hey buddy," he said, ruffling my hair, but slowly lowering his hand into an almost caress. I stepped back slightly.

"Hey Noah," I said excitingly. It was a while since I've been able to speak to him, as Joker had been keeping me with him ever since my latest episode, "Joker sent me to see you."

"Wow, he does not mind us talking alone anymore?" he chuckled, but I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"He dislikes us together. Two attractive people in the same vicinity is just too much for him." I knew he was joking, but there was some sense of resentment in his voice.

"Well, it does not matter what Joker wants. I miss you and he's too busy to see you himself."

Pete shot the gun, and the bullet ricocheted from the metal frame surrounding the target. I jumped slightly, not used to the sound.

"Why did you hire him? He actually is worse than me." I whispered as Noah leaned on the wall towards me. He shrugged.

"It's a bit hard to find someone that wants to rob and kill."

I nudged him in the side as he laughed, and soon his face came closer to mine.

"So, Joker wants you to assemble to group. He's planning a huge event tonight." I said, pulling back. He grimaced. I could see anger rising in him, almost steaming from his ears. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see him clenching his fists.

"Always makes me do everything," he mumbled under his breath. Pete shot the gun again, breaking my silence.

"Noah, I can assemble them if you'd like. I wa-"

"No! That's ok. It's just... Nevermind, ok? I'll see you later darling." he put on a fake grin and squeezed my shoulder, leaving the room.

I looked at the shutting door, stunned by Noah's sudden exit. He had never exhibited that much anger toward Joker.

"Hey babe-" I heard Pete's voice coming near me, "how 'bout you teach me how to use a gun, and I show you mine."

Without even looking at Pete, I began walking out the door.

"Fuck you."

Sorry it's a bit short! Next chapter will be longer!!! Please don't forget to comment/vote :)

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