Chapter Twenty

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The couch was soft and I opened my eyes slightly. The light shot into my eyes and I felt blinded. I heard the faint sound of club music and low voices speaking across the room. I strained to hear more.

"Damn it you know he wants her," a New York voice said gruffly. I tried opening my eyes to characterize the face but instead almost screamed in pain.

"That's funny Jesper. They can go and try to take her away from me. I've been itching to try out my knives. Too much shooting lately," a husky male retorted, laughing sadistically.

"They have the government."

Joker scoffed and I felt him skipping around the room, landing near me. He brushed a hair off my face gently and moved back.

"I dare them to do. I'm in need of some craziness. It's been so boring lately," he complained and I heard a back crack.

A shadowed figure, much like the ones in the club, shot in my mind. I stifled a scream as it laughed darkly. I dug my nails into the couch, watching it circle my mind, antagonizing me.

"They aren't gonna put down easily," the other man warned.

"The more struggle they put while I kill them, the better it is for me."

My back arched as the figures came closer and louder, their yellow eyes smiling with insanity. The laugh was louder, each tone shifting a step higher.

I screamed as the figures pulled out its fangs and walked towards me. Feet shuffled to me, but I could only focus on the figures that I was convinced were real. They were coming to kill me for my crimes. For my murder.

The last thing I heard was the piano before I passed out again.


My head was heavy as I opened my eyes. Crane sat next to me, smiling. I rolled my head on the pillow, breathing in the clean scent. Clean linen.

"What the hell did you do to me?" I asked, my voice musky and wavering. His chill laugh bounced of the rooms and he stood up, placing a hand over my forehead.

"I was testing out a new drug I've been developing," he said, removing the hand and handed my a water bottle. I looked at it sharply and didn't grab it. I didn't trust him.

"A new drug?" I croaked.

"Take the damn water. You won't feel better until you do," he said, thrusting it into my hand. I took it, and drank it uncomfortably. What do I have to lose anymore? The water seeped down my throat, clearing it almost immediately. I sucked in a breath.

"That's right. Breath while you can," he smirked, patting my head before sitting down again and crossing his legs.

"So, please, tell me. What did it feel like?" he asked me, his blue eyes almost protruding out of his head from curiosity. His fingers fiddles with the bottom of his chair and his legs restlessly shook.

"You drugging me?" I snapped, eyes averting from his stone gaze. I saw him nod his head, but I refused to answer. He signed, and opened a black bag. Crane pulled out another syringe and my eyes widened.

"No. Not again please," I squeaked and his lips grinned to show perfect white teeth.

"Look at the power this little needle posses. Ms. Reine, I don't plan on hurting you. Joker would have me gone without another word and I don't plan on dying anytime soon. That's why he doesn't even know about last night."

"I could tell him," I whispered, eyeing the needle he was storing back in the package.

"No you won't. You're more scared of him than of me," he smiled, sitting back on the chair and placing his forearms onto his knees.

Emmeline [Joker X OC]Where stories live. Discover now