Chapter Seventeen

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I stuffed money into the burlap sack on my shoulder. My gun was holstered to my leg, right the the hem of my dress. I left my shoes in the car, incase I'd have the read to run in them.

Each pack of fifty dollar bills that shifted from my hands into the sack gave me more of a rush. I could feel myself fighting off a smile when Derricks' money fell from his bag.

The code to the store was easy. It was the first time either Joker or Crane observed me crack a code, and I could tell I had impressed both. I felt slightly smug, but refused to let Joker catch that I was thrilled about stealing money. About doing something illegal. My hands shook from excitement.

"Alright. Two minutes left 'fore we gotta move since the siren'll go off," Noah said, working as well. I straighten my spine and walked back to the black car with my bag across my shoulder. Vespa stood leaning against the car, dragging on a cigarette. His face was vanished by the lack of lights, but I could see the smoke rings coming from his mouth.

The breeze hit my body and I shook as I shoved the bag into the truck. I saw him slipping off the jacket from the side of my eye and walk towards me. As I felt the leather touch my skin, I could feel his scent circling around my nose. Cigarettes. Mint. Leather. I shifted uncomfortably as the jacked brought me immense warmth.

He laughed.

"What doll, surprised by my manners?" he asked, throwing the cigarette near the building and walking up closer to me. I tilted my head upwards to look at him and saw his brown hair slightly ruffle. His hand touched the gun strapped on my thigh and I sucked in my breath.

"Don't touch me," I whispered and he laughed.

"Even with my jacket, you can't seem to let my beautiful murderous side go, hm?" he chuckled, skipping to the place he threw the cigarette. The rest of the men returned to the car, and Joker kicked the cigarette farther to the building. Suddenly, a small flame rose, licking the buildings wooden frame.

He laughed walking back to the car. He opened the door and pushed me into the car, almost knocking my head into the roof, and then pressing himself right next to me. Michael began driving away. I watched the fire dance, already mingling inside the building.

Crane texted on his phone, smiling secretly to himself. Noah and Derrick argued about a sport, tensions rising over the miscalculations of the bet. Michael turned on the radio, playing an old rock song.

Joker had his eyes trained on the fire as I did, and we watched the world burn behind us.

Sorry for the super short chapter!  Hope you enjoyed it and will vote/comment!

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