Chapter Eighteen

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The Hooper. The club was already packed with people. Women stood waiting in line, their cleavage bursting from their skin-tight dresses. The men next to them wore sunglasses, although it was nearing midnight. They held onto their woman, but their eyes freely roaming at the others.

Dance music could be heard from the tall building, and the line waved, turning a corner. In front was a large burly man in black, with a clipboard.

Michael had dropped us off from the car in front of the neon sign. A man wolf-whistled toward me, and I pulled Jokers's leather jacket further into me, trying to cover my curves. Jokea in then took out his gun and shot the man. He dropped dead and the people around him moved backwards.

I looked in terror at the man and back to Joker. He winked at me, and continued to walk to the man in black.

Looking around, I saw no one startled by his random outburst. They eyed him carefully, but it was almost typical.

Joker stood in front of the man, almost evening the height gap.

"Joker! Been a vhile!" he said in a Russian accent and shook hands with him. Michael came walking from the corner and winked at a few girls wearing ill fitting dresses.

"Been a little busy. You know, killing." he smirked, looking at me. I avoided his eye contact and rather fiddled with the inside of his jacket pocket. There was a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and a sharp knife.

"Of course. It's vhat you do best! 'Ow many?" he looked me over, his tongue lapping his dry mouth.

"Six." he said, looking us over. Craner walked up next to them.

"Kamdyn in yet?" he asked. The Russian nodded and Craner smiled slightly. He opened the door and Joker led us in.

The music was painful to my ears. I was hit by the smell of sweat, hard liquor and different narcotics. People yelled through the room as they grinded on each other. The DJ was placed in the middle, his tattooed arms swaying with the dance music. It had a beat that could only be explained as sultry and danceable.

Some women danced on top of their men while they sat in comfortable chairs, drinking with buddies. Others walked around shirtless, antagonizing men to come and dance with them.

The air was heavy in the club and I found it hard to breath. Derrick and Michael both have left eagerly, staring at women. The man I didn't know left to the bathroom where men exited with glazed over eyes. Joker was lost as soon as we walked into the club.

Craner and I followed Noah to the bar where a woman sat in a tight red dress. Her black hair was curled and pressed right under her deep v-neck cut. Her legs were toned and tanned, but I could tell she was a few inches shorter and curvier than I was. Her face was sweet, with curled eyelashes and heavy makeup on his deep brown eyes and pink lips.

Her white teeth smiled as she saw us walking towards her.

"Hey! It's been a while!" she slid off the barstool, taking her red drink. I recognized her immediately. It was Kamryn Mortrious. The tv reporter. The one whose life I wished I had.

Craner stepped forward and embraced her. They hugged quickly and she blushed a crimson red. She hugged Noah as well, who laughed and walked to me.

"Oh! A new face. Kamdyn Mortrious. Please!" she said, striking her hand out. I grasped it and shook.

"Emmeline Reine." I said, my voice surprisingly strong. She eyed the leather jacket on my shoulder.

"Has our dear old Joker finally been caught and pulled into a net?" she laughed and I caught my breath, immediately wanting the jacket of off my body.

"Right. Because Joker is capable of feelings." Craner laughed, his body facing Kamdyn. She shrugged.

"So, if you aren't the new toy, what are you doing with them?" she asked, sizing me up in what was deemed a friendly way.

"I-" I started, but didn't know how to finish the sentence. Noah walked over, draping an arm around my shoulder.

"She's a new addition to the team." he said, tightly holding me to his body. He was wearing a gray plaid shirt that fitted him, and I felt the warmth from his body through the leather.

"Oh, I remember my first days to this business." she laughed with a sultry voice, deep in nostalgia.

"You do this?" I asked, unsure of what this really was. She shooed of Noah and Craner and pulled me too the barstool. I sat in the cushioned chair, careful of my dress rising up.

"Drink?" she asked as the bartender came up to us. I shook my head. Kamdyn ordered her red drink again, and turned to me.

"You ever hear about the Carver? Just smile. It'll be ok?" she asked, her voice singing the slogan of the infamous serial killer. I nodded. The Carver was continuously on the news, always wanted for the murder of dozens of men. They were always found with a smile carved into their face and a small note with the slogan written.

"It's always so much fun to report on myself. Really. I get to make myself sound so - scary." she chuckles and my mouth dropped.

"You're the Carver?" I asked, not believing her. She nodded, using the straw to mix her drink before sipping it.

"There's just something about it, seeing the life flow from someone's eyes. It's empowering really. But! I'm not like your boyfriend. I kill for good causes." she took another sip of the drink. I frowned.

"Good causes?"

"Yes. My rule of thumb. Only kill those who deserve it. Probably doesn't save me from Hell, but I'm not as far in the depths of it, as, say, Joker." she smiled. I furrowed my eyebrows, tugging my skirt down.

"What does he do?" I asked, curious and fearful. She laughed again, her brown eyes twinkling.

"You new to this city?"

I nodded and she adjusted her seat.

"Joker and I go far back. He helped me with my first kill. Stuck a knife into the damn fools throat. He and Craner," she blushed a little. "thought me the ropes. I was lucky enough to get that from him. Joker, he's the best killer you'll meet. He doesn't feel remorse. He doesn't hurt. He could kill a child if he wanted to. I kill for a reason. To deprive the word from men who shame it. He just kills for the fun. And that's what makes him the most dangerous." Kamdyn explained, her voice silky. I tried to listen, the music killing my eardrums.

"But c'mon! Enough of this. We are at a club, Em, and at clubs, people dance!" she grabbed my hand with her manicure one and pulled me to the floor. I tried to resist her, scared of the influx of men looking our way.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you think about Kamdyn and how you think the plot is going! Don't forget to comment and vote!

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