Chapter Twenty-One

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I picked under my nail, taking the dark dirt trapped. The library was silent and the lamps shore a light just dim enough for me to see the letters of a book.

I was reading. The library was enormous, and at the times that no one was bothering me, I found myself dragging my fingertips along the endless leather spines. It was relaxing. The stories of adventure, or mystery, or passion - they quickly took my away from here.

The book I just finished lay on a pile, stacked with the others. My eyes were sore from the tiny lettering and I wasn't about to grab another book. On the side of me was the so-called homework Crane gave me. I picked it up and opened the front cover.

He wanted to understand me. It killed him to know that I was a mystery. He tried almost everything with me. Gave me books on every subject he saw fit. Biology, physics, mathematics of different levels and degrees in hopes that somehow it would be a trigger. Nothing was.

I began to wish for it as well. I was dying to know who I was before I woke up in the warehouse. I couldn't figure it out. My dreams were mostly full of fearful images - the masked creatures still haunting me.

The book closed with a loud thud and I pushed my chair back, getting up. As I walked closer to the living room, I heard the chattering of Noah and other thugs. Joker was no where. He rarely showed his face if it was night.

I walked into the room and noticed Noah's blue eyes latch onto my face.

"You love that place don't you?" he asked. I felt my face flush from the intense glare.

"I guess it just takes my mind off of everything." Shrugging, I sit on the couch. Noah continues his look, and the other two men in the room leave silently. Looking around the room, I see empty beer cans lying on the table. The TV is blaring the latest kid's cartoons.

"You should probably clean the pizza cartons," I nodded to the trash lying on the floor. Noah finally took his glare off of me, and stretched his back while putting his feet on the table.

"He can do it himself," Noah whispers in a cold tone. I glance at him, and see a face full of anger. Biting my lip, I reach to grab the TV remote. He catches my hand in his, and pulls it away from the remote.

"No. Don't change the channel. Please."

I look down as his hand continues to hold me. Noah scoots closer to me and I can smell the faint scent of alcohol. Turning my head away from his, I look back at the TV.

The show was in black and white, and what seemed to be old animation. A little white cat was being chased around by a large black mouse. Comedic relief dominated the cartoon, revealing a harmless child's show. Noah's eyes were focused on the TV.

Commercials struck.

"Have you watched this show before?" I asked hesitantly. He takes a few seconds before answering.

"It was my favorite show as a kid. Before it all just..." Noah fell silent. I felt his nervous demeanor, and awkwardness arrived. With the tense air, I felt like I wanted to help him and press on with the conversation, but didn't know the exact words to speak.

Instead, I started to stand up. He grabbed my waist, pulling me down into his arms.

"No. No please don't leave me right now." I felt his tight wrap around me, and he curled his face into the crook of my neck. My body was stiff, but quickly relaxed in the warmness of him. He reeked of beer, but his body shook.

"Alright," I squeaked.

"It's just-" Noah took a while to gather his words "-it brings a lot of memories back to my mind. They all just come flooding back. Past feelings and emotions. And I just...I don't know"

Not knowing how to reply, I place one of my hands onto his clasped hands around my waist. He breathed deeply.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize."

"I don't know how to deal with my emotions at this moment."

"I don't think anyone does."

The TV shut itself off. I looked at the remote, but it was untouched.

"It does that when the channel hasn't been changed for more than 4 hours. I guess I've been watching this for a while," the sadness in his voice creates a want for me to care for him; to let him know I am there for him. A pang in my heart was felt.

"Let's get you upstairs, alright?" I said, rising to my feet which in turn broke his hold on me. Quickly I felt the chilly air hit my upper body. He rose as well, but stumbled with his balance. I caught a hold of him under his shoulder, and we began to walk to his room. He placed his weight on me, struggling to walk.

"I'm sorry," he said again.

"It's all right. I know I've been a hassle."

"But you're the good type of hassle. One that I don't mind looking after." Noah's body got more limp, and I almost tripped in the dim hallway.

"Glad to be of service."

He stopped moving, and placed one hand on my shoulder and the other on my chin. His hold was light and gentle.

"However much I wish that you weren't in this situation, I'm happy you're here. I'm happy it's you, and no other person in the world." He looked straight into my eyes, and I looked deep into his blue eyes that are typically shining with happiness. They were full of sadness.

"Come on. Bed." I shrugged his hand off, and led him to his room in silence.

Once we reached his bedroom, he fell on the bed, eyes closed. I turned him around, taking off his shoes. His breaths became deeper and I knew he had fallen asleep. A small smile retook its typical spot on his face, and I brushed one of his golden locks.

"Goodnight Noah," I whispered, kissing his forehead.


I climbed into the bed that I slept in. Joker was on his back sleeping. I turned on my side, looking at his profile.

His sharp cheekbones made what hid under his face appear to be handsome. The slight stubble on his chin was black, and defined his entire face. He had long black eyelashes and the makeup wore off on his lips, revealing pinkness.

As his chest rose steadily in his sleep, I noticed how relaxed he looked. I could hear his soft breaths in a beat that almost lulled me to sleep. He wrinkled his nose, and moaned, turning to his side. Our faces were a few inches apart and I felt my heart skip a beat as he gently said, "Emmeline."

I turned quickly to the other side, confused about all the feelings in me. He groaned again, and I was aware that he was no longer sleeping. I felt his body stiffen and heard as he ran his hand across his hair. He shuffled in the bed, and after a minute of uncomfortably laying in the bed, he stood and walked to the bathroom.

A sigh escaped me and my heart finally returned to its regular beat. I fiddled with my fingers as the moonlight shore on my face from the window. At any warning of a thought, I pushed it away. I was not allowing any feelings of emotion to course through my body.

I was almost asleep when he returned from the bathroom. He pulled me close to him, hugging me tightly. And for the first time, I wanted to hug him back.

So sorry for not updating for such a long while. I've been really busy with exams and vacation, but I'm planning on being more regular again. Thanks for sticking with me!

Please don't forget to vote and leave a comment :) Hope you enjoyed and tell me what you think of Emmeline's feelings towards Joker!

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