Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"What the fuck do you want?" Joker yelled, reaching for his gun. Noah entered the room, rushing towards me.

"How are you?" he asked frantically, examining my freely bleeding leg. We had forgotten about it, letting it stain the bedsheets.

"I'm better Noah. Thank you so much for bringing me back here. I owe you," I said, touching his shoulder. He turned and smiled.


"I told him to. I would have, but I can't just walk around the neighborhood. I'm on the wanted list," Joker interrupted, his voice icy and dangerous once again. Noah cleared his throat.

"Right you are boss. I just wanted to make sure the kiddo was good. Also, the new guy is here, so I can patch up Emmeline for you while you go speak with him," he said, trying to keep a friendly voice.

"Go tell him I'll be there later. Show him around or something."

"Didn't you say to grab you the second he got-"

"Need I remind you what happens when someone does not listen to me?" Joker threatened. I looked at Joker, and was shocked at the frantic change of character. His eyes turned from a beautiful honey caramel to the color darker than black. The light outline of jawline revealed how clenched his mouth was, and he had his deadly smile accompanying him. Noah swallowed and nodded.

"Boss, I apologize. Take your time. See you Emmeline," he said, grabbing my arm and giving it a squeeze. I smiled at him.

"Thank you again Noah," I cried as he left the room, shutting the door with the large thud.

I stared towards to opposite side of the room and Joker got up to examine my wound.

"It looks like just a small graze doll. Nothing to worry about." He took some hydrogen peroxide to clean the wound, and I grimaced at the stinging. I was trying not to think about the stinging in my heart.


He turned to look at me, stopping his work on my leg. I could tell he was fighting between the emotions he felt before Noah entered and the feelings with Noah.


"I... don't know what to say. Thank you."

He froze for second, as if he hasn't heard those words in a long time. He looked down, contemplating his response.

"I also want to say - I'm happy I killed that son of a bitch." I spoke strongly, enough to make Joker raise an eyebrow.

"Enjoying the craft of murder, now, are we?" He smirked. I bit my inner cheek.

"That bastard deserved to die." I shook from anger, remembering how weak Edward made me feel. Anger started to rise in me, and I felt myself wanting to reverse time and kill him again.

"What gave him the right to do that?"

"He had no right. And neither did his friends. Don't worry doll. I'm going to find them and destroy their lives." he spoke with such anger, but I had to stop him. I didn't want him to kill them anymore.

"No. Don't," I said curtly, groaning as Joker resumed his work on my knee.

"What do you mean? I'm going to fucking tear them apart. They will regret everything single thrust that they did-" His anger started to grow with every word, but I cut him off.


He looked at me. He wasn't angry for me cutting him off. Instead, he was curious.

I cleared my throat.

"I want to kill them."


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