I Don't Know How To Tell Her

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Thank you so much for reading! This may suck, but I hope you enjoy! X


(Chloe's POV)

I need to speak to Beca. It's really important, but I'm not sure how I'm going to tell her as I know she'll be hurt by it. I don't want to be the reason for Beca's upset, she means too much to me for that.

There's so many questions I have about my whole situation. I'm fine where I am. I'm working as a vet (finally!) and I'm living with my best friend, what's not to like? But now, god knows what I'm going to do.

When Beca gets home from work, I'm not sure whether to tell her my problem, or keep it to myself. It hurts me so much that I will quite possibly be the reason for Beca to get upset, because she's my best friend and I love her so much. Beca isn't the type of person to cry though, unless she's really upset. I remember when we decided that our last performance would be our last, as we were all explaining what we were going to do after The Bellas. I remember everyone getting upset because we were all so proud of Beca for getting that performance, but then we all started talking about our next step, and when Fat Amy began to cry, she made a funny face to stop herself. Beca was keeping it in, but I don't like it when she hides her emotions, as Aubrey always used to tell me, letting out your emotions is healthier both physically and mentally, and it stops you from bottling everything up. I decided to give her a big hug, and everyone else joined in. By that point we were all crying, even Beca! Our last performance had us all in bits, and I held Beca so tight, while she wept into my shoulder. I'm hoping that she'll be okay when I tell her my news, but I honestly don't know how she'll react. She's Beca Mitchell, weird things go on in her head, in a good way.

(Beca's POV)

I noticed something was up with Chloe when I left this morning. I hope she's okay. I didn't get the chance to ask her as I had to rush off for work, before Theo got confused as to where I was. She was really late home last night from work, but everything was fine, according to her. She's probably alright, but me being Beca, I'm overthinking it again. Chloe's an emotional person, she probably just had a bad day yesterday, or she's on her period and didn't tell me. I'll ask her when I get home. Thank god that's not long away, I'm too tired for this today. I hardly slept last night, but I'm not sure why. I just lay there, then I worked on some mixes, and lay there again. What is wrong with me? After all, I'm a scrappy little nobody anyway.

I just arrived home, and Chloe is just sat on the bed twiddling her thumbs. I swear to god something's wrong, but I don't know how to ask her because I don't want to sound rude. What do I do?!?!?!

"Hi Beca"

Her voice sounded really shaky.

"Are you okay, Chloe?" I asked her.

"I need to tell you something" she replied.

I'm so worried. First she sounded shaky, and now there is literally tears in her eyes. I guess I was right all along, there's something up.

(Chloe's POV)

Beca just walked through the door, and I can't seem to hold it together. I said hello and straight away she asked me what was wrong. How did she know? All I had said was hello, but in a way I can understand. I've sat here all day twiddling my thumbs with a pain in my stomach. That's not normal at all.
"Come on Chloe, you can tell Beca now, just do it" I keep saying to myself.
I zone out of the whole conversation when I can feel there's tears in my eyes. What do I do now? She won't let me go till I tell her! Ugh why are you such a mess Chloe?!?!

"Chloe?" I heard Beca say.

I can't even speak. I know I'll just break down as soon as I talk, but I can't tell her exactly what's going on, she's going to be so sad! I feel like I'll be letting her down if I tell her, as I know how much she can't cope on her own. Her family aren't like mine. Mine always check up on me and are always so proud of everything I do. I'm so pleased I get to visit them still, even with my busy job and even though I stay with Beca now. But her family is different, and I know it gets her down. She always acts like it's all okay, but I know she beats herself up about it in her head, and it's horrible. Her mom abandoned her and her older brother when she was a child, which meant her dad had to look after them both, but then he was more interested in her brother, and his education and his life and his job. She felt so bad about herself all the time, and she hates being left alone now because she struggled to cope as a child, and doesn't know how to do it now because of that. Her brother is a really nice guy, but he's too busy to help her. There's been times when me and Beca have fallen out when she's phoned her brother for someone to talk to. She goes to her brother for extra comfort, as he's good at making people feel better. He has just broken up with his girlfriend so he's perfectly able to talk to her if she needs anyone after what I tell her. But I still can't think of what to say to her.

She's stood right in front of me with her arms folded, and I still don't know what to say.

"Nothing. Nothing I'm fine" I finally reply.

"No you're not! I can tell you're upset!" Beca replied as she came and sat next to me on the bed.

"I'm okay, I've just been a bit sad today, but I'm on my period so it makes sense" I lied.

I must admit, I am on my period, but that's not why I'm sad. I hate lying to her, as she trusts me with her life and I don't want to break that trust.

(Beca's POV)

I'm stood in front of Chloe, not quite sure what to do. She said she was fine, but I'm really not convinced. I've sat down next to her and put my hand on her shoulder, trying to get the truth out of her, but I know she doesn't want to tell me. I cannot let her keep this from me, as I know something's up, and I don't want to keep thinking about it without knowing exactly what's wrong.

"You can tell me, I'll not judge you" I say. I can't bear seeing her like this anymore, it's hurting me so much inside.

"You're going to be really sad, Beca. I know you will be and I'm so sorry in advance" Chloe starts off.

I think to myself, "what on earth is going on?" and then I start to remember that she was so late home from work yesterday, but I never asked her why.

"Just tell me, Chlo. Is it related to why you were so late back last night?"

".....y....y...yes it is." she replied as she began to cry.

"Chloe no, please don't cry!" I said, putting my arms around her. My voice is literally shaking and I don't know why. She hasn't even told me yet, but I can tell it's really bad, as she wouldn't be crying like this otherwise. I've seen her cry before, but I have never seen her like this before. She's actually sobbing and it's breaking me.

"Beca" she said, wiping tears from her eyes, as more began to flow.

"Yeah?" I asked, bringing my arms back round to myself. My heart is beating so fast, it feels like it's going to explode or something.

Oh great...a big, long pause. Oh my god I can't deal with this at all. She's going really red and won't stop crying.

And then, out of nowhere at all, she wept and said,

"I'm moving away."

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