My First Day

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(Beca's POV)

Good news. First of all, Chloe didn't crash!! And second, the laptop is fixed. Now I can get back to mixing so that I can work on a new mix for the competition in a couple of weeks. The thing is though, I just don't know what songs to mix, so I'm a bit stuck seeing as I can't actually ask Chloe for help. After mixing for about 3 hours straight, with Chloe listening to what I was doing, I found a document which was titled 'For Chloe'. I wasn't sure what it was until I opened it, but when I did, I knew exactly what it was, and I felt horrible for forgetting to let her listen to this.

"Chlo come here a sec," I said. Chloe walked over and asked me what was up. I told her nothing was up, but I had something to show her. Her face lit up when she saw 'For Chloe' on the screen.

"I did this a while ago, and I'm so sorry I never showed it to you, but I did a very short cover of 'Chasing Cars' for you, because I know you like that song and I know you like to listen to my voice. I'm not sure why you do, but here you go. Would you like to listen to it now?" I said. Chloe nodded and I clicked the play button on the screen, playing the music.

"We'll do it all,
On our own.

We don't need,
Or anyone.

If I lay here,
If I just lay here,
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?"

"We can get through anything life throws at us, together." I said at the end of the recording. "I love you Chloe."

I looked over in Chloe's direction to see her choking up. I sat next to her and gave her a big hug.

"I love you so much," she said. We fell asleep in each other's arms pretty much straight away.


(Chloe's POV)

It's Monday. Beca's first day at her new job. I wake her up at 7am, and while she groans and stretches her way out of bed, I make her pancakes for breakfast. My parents are still in bed and probably will be every morning when she goes to work, but that's fine, we're old enough to look after ourselves. As soon as the pancakes were ready. I didn't even have to shout for Beca, because her sense of smell told her for me. She was running down the stairs to find her food before I knew it.

"Wow look at you all dressed up!" I said. Beca was wearing her black knee-high heeled boots with skinny ripped jeans on and a black jacket. Her t-shirt was just plain white, but it went really well with her outfit. She had her laptop in its bag, along with her new notebook and tiny pencil case, and her handbag, which obviously just carried her phone and other essentials.

"I tried to make some sort of effort." she said, sitting down at the table opposite me. I smiled at her, knowing she was actually going to be happy today, finding a new job and doing what she does best.

"I can tell, now hurry up, I want to drive you to work," I said.

"No Chloe it's fine, I'll get a bus!" Beca replied.

"There's no way I'm letting you get a bus to somewhere you've never been before. Trust me I'll take you, and I'll pick you up at the end of the day," I told her. She smiled and carried on eating her pancakes, pouring the small cup of maple syrup over the top of them.

After we finished breakfast, I cleared up the plates and helped Beca get herself ready.

"I'm going to be okay, right?" she asked me.

"Of course! Just have fun, listen to your boss, and do what you do best, you're bound to impress him no matter what!" I said, standing in front of the large mirror on the wall. Beca stood next to me and took a look at herself.

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