She Needs This

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(Chloe's POV)

We get home from Taco Bell at about 1am, and Beca is pretty much asleep in the car. I wake her up and get her out the car, holding her hand as we walk into the elevator and back into the apartment. I'm not surprised she's tired, she's had a really hard time. She needs sleep.

"Come on Beca, you need to sleep," I say, guiding her to her bed. She followed me and got herself changed. I sat down next to her once she got herself into bed and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Goodnight, Beca. Get some rest, you need it" I whisper.

"Night Chlo," she replied, eventually falling asleep again. I get off the bed and sit down on mine, which is at the other end of the room.  Somehow, I'm not tired at all. I slept on the plane but that wasn't for very long. Just being back at the apartment has made me feel so happy, and seeing Beca and being able to be there for her has been really nice. I phone my parents, just to check in on them, seeing as I hadn't even texted when I landed.

Alistair: Chloe?
Chloe: Hey dad! How's it going?
Alistair: Not bad, and you? How's Beca getting on? Did she tell you about David?
Chloe: Yes she did. She's okay, I took her to Taco Bell earlier, she fell asleep on the way home and she's in bed now. Sorry if I disturbed your sleep, I forgot about time differences.
Alistair: No that's okay. You didn't actually, it is early in the morning, but I was working on something for work so I have been awake. Mom is asleep though, she will be awake in a few hours.
Chloe: Oh right, that's okay then. I will call you in a few hours so I can speak to mom as well. Love you.
Alistair: I love you too, sweetheart.

I hung up the phone and smiled. I think dad has finally realised that this was a good idea after all.

I think about an idea that I had earlier about Beca. She spent her time while I was gone, having sleepless nights and worrying about her life in general, and I have come to realise that I cannot leave her after this week. It's not safe to be honest, god knows what she would to to herself?! She is about to get evicted, and I cannot bear to know she's going through even more shit than before by being out on the streets. I need to take her with me. I log onto her computer, remembering the password being 'Bellas123' and go online to see what she's been up to while I've been gone, because I know she would have been doing something, when I find a few beats that I hadn't seen before. They were great, but I just wish she could use her talent in her producing job. I need to get her a job somewhere, and I know exactly where. There is a music producing business in my town which I think would really help. This causes me to check it out online, while still thinking about a way to bring Beca home with me. The music producing place had put up an offer for new artists to apply for a job there. Excellent. I begin to fill out an application form for Beca, knowing that this would be an amazing surprise.

Name: Beca Elizabeth Mitchell
Age: 26
DOB: 22/09/1992

Filling in the form made me feel good, because Beca needed this more than anything, but at the same time I worry about what I can do to get her there. I search up the flight website, and find the flight I will be taking home. I scroll through the list of seats available to see if there was any near me, and a miracle happened. The seat next to me wasn't taken. By now it should be morning at home, so I ring home to speak to my mom.

Helen: Hi sweetie, how are you?
Chloe: Hey mom! I'm alright. Beca is asleep, I've not slept all night; but I will be going to bed soon.
Helen: Why are you up so late?
Chloe: Because I wanted to do something for Beca. First of all, I applied for a job at the music producing company for her. The one in our town.
Helen: Why? She can't get here...
Chloe: That's why I have a question. I have checked the flight seating, and there is a seat next to me. I have enough money to pay for another seat, so I was wondering if Beca could live with us from next week?
Helen: Permanently? Chloe! We don't have enough space!
Chloe: Mom, we do. The house is massive, and besides, if you're so desperate for your spare room, Beca can share mine. We shared an apartment for years, I think we'd be fine. It's just one extra person, who can look after herself just like I can!
Helen: Does she have money of her own?
Chloe: Nope. She's received an eviction notice and had no money to do anything so she kind of needs this and this job.

Mom sighed on the other end of the phone. I sit there and wait, until she finally gives me her answer.

Helen: I would say yes, but I need to talk to your dad first. Book the flight, and if your dad says yes then she can stay, but if not then she can stay for a week. Then she'll have to go, but I imagine it'll be a yes because of her home situation at the moment.

I smile hard. I cannot wait to tell Beca. But not yet, I need to take her out somewhere tomorrow before telling her. Hopefully I'll be able to make everything better. I say goodbye to mom and go to sleep in my bed soon after.

(Beca's POV)

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed, but still so tired. Chloe was fast asleep, but I left her because I didn't want to wake her up. She was so cute when she slept, so I took a little photo of her and saved it to my camera roll. Last night felt amazing. Chloe got me the most amazing gifts and it made me feel so loved, especially because of the feelings I've had recently that nobody loved or cared for me. Having Chloe here is really helping, but I'm worried about what life will be like once she goes back home again. But for now, I'm just trying to enjoy this week with her.

I walk over to the computer to work on some more stuff when I see a little piece of paper folded in half. It said "Beca (my bestfriend)" on the front and inside was a written letter for me. I open it up to read it to myself as the computer was logging on:

Dear Beca,
I listened to your new beats last night, they were amazing. And yes, I still remember your password, it's not like I would ever forget it. Just please don't change it!
I am so glad I have been able to come and see you and make you feel better after everything you've been though recently. For the rest of this week I will be taking you out and we will have an amazing time. You deserve happiness, and I will always try to make you smile because you're amazing and your cute little smile always brightens up my day. Never stop being who you are, because who you are is who you are, and nobody can ever change that.
I love you so much, Beca Mitchell,
From, your bestie,
~ Chloe xxx

That made me smile a lot. I can't wait to thank her when she wakes up. I couldn't take my eyes off Chloe's beautiful handwriting on the page, and as a tear fell onto it, smudging some of the writing, I wiped it off, and lay the letter down on the desk, giving it space to dry. I opened up my mixing software and listened to the beats I made the other day, beginning to make new ones. Mixing and editing music was my favourite thing to do. It is where I'm most happy and it makes me feel a lot more calm.

About 3 hours later, I was about to grab a snack when Chloe woke up.

"Morning Beca" she said with a smile.

"Erm, Chloe, I think you'll find it's afternoon now," I giggled, sitting down on the bed next to her. She gave me a sarcastic look, basically saying "seriously beca just stop splitting hairs" and took my hand.

"Today I'm taking you out for a girly shopping trip. What do you think?" Chloe asked, getting out of bed and beginning to get changed.

I nod and smile, and get my coat and handbag out from the cupboard. Chloe seemed very excited to be taking me out, which made me feel really special. As I've said before, this all feels like such a blur, but it's happening, and it's making me smile again. I can actually become the normal Beca Mitchell again, and that feels aca-awesome (dammit Mitchell, why are you saying that?? You're such a weirdo).

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