Its All Too Stressful

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I hope you're all enjoying the story so far. I feel like this is really boring and I'm sorry if it is, I'm really trying my best. Xx


(Chloe's POV)

Ugh. Today's the day where I have to explain to everyone at work that I'm leaving. I spent so long trying to get this job, and now I can't have it. I don't even want to face going to work, never mind telling them I'm leaving! I feel so drained from all the stress and everything, I'm just too tired to go to work.

I also feel terrible about Beca. Yesterday she was sent home from work because she wasn't concentrating, and that's my fault. I wish she could have just told me in the first place how upset she was and then I would have been able to help, but she's just not like that. She doesn't like making others upset, so she keeps things to herself. It makes me sad, to be honest.

(No ones POV)

As Chloe drove to work, she thought carefully about how she was going to tell her co-workers the news. She felt so tired and really couldn't be bothered to go. All she wanted to do was stay with Beca and make her feel better, because she felt really bad for upsetting her. Beca was feeling very low about it, and Chloe hated that she was bottling up all her feelings inside, as she knew it was unhealthy.

(Chloe's POV)

I've just walked into work, and everyone seems sad, not sure why, but they're not acting like themselves. They can't know about me moving, I never told them.

"Hey guys!" I said.

"Oh, hey Chloe" one of my colleagues said, with a sad tone in their voice.

"What's wrong? You all seem sad" I said. I'm so confused as to what is going on. How is everyone really sad? Yes maybe one person, but everyone? Wow.

"We're sad to see you leave, Chloe" they said.

Shit. They know. How? I never told them?

As I'm leaving later on, I get a text message, from my dad. It read:

Dad: Hello sweetheart, I'm sorry we told your colleagues about us moving. We phoned them last night so that you wouldn't have to tell them yourself. Hope all is well, dad.

Dad. What? Seriously, I'm not happy about this. They knew? Ughhh. I would have told them myself, but in a way I'm pleased I didn't have to tell them myself in case I got upset again.

All I can think about is Beca. As I walked through the door of the apartment, I could smell her gorgeous perfume, and I could see she was in a rush because her makeup was all over her desk. I still feel really bad, but I hope she's okay and dealing with it well.

I got really upset yesterday when she got sent home from work, because I knew she was stressing about life without me which meant she wasn't concentrating, and she didn't tell me straight away. I really hope she doesn't get sent home today. She deserves to produce music, it's her life. Literally.

(Beca's POV)

I arrived at work this morning, again 30 minutes late. Theo was standing there, with a rather angry looking face. I'm meant to be his boss, what's his problem?

"Beca, what's going on?" he asked me. My hands began to shake, and I began to panic a bit, so I grabbed him and pulled him into the small room off the corridor, where nobody else was. I couldn't stand there in front of everyone in case I basically died.

"Oh, nothing, nothing I'm fine" I lied. He didn't seem convinced.

"I can tell something's wrong" he replied. "Tell me what's wrong"

I had to tell him. There was no way he was going to let me go now that he's asked me and we're stuck in some dodgy little room. I took a deep breath.

"Chloe's moving away" I said. "She's going in a couple of days and I'm struggling to deal with the fact I'm going to be alone. You know why I don't like the thought of living alone, right?"

"Yes I do, you're going to be fine I promise" Theo said, trying to calm me down. I was breathing heavily and I couldn't speak without feeling very cold for some reason.

"Beca, you need time to think things through. This can't get to you as you have very important things to be doing" he said.

Theo, you're not my boss. You're not the one who should be telling me I have "very important things to be doing", don't you think I know that? No, Beca stop. Stop getting angry. It's okay, calm down.
I didn't say that to him, that would just be rude, but every time it's brought up, or something bad happens, I stress about it. I can't go into work tomorrow. I just can't. I don't care what anyone says, I'm skipping tomorrow.

"Ok" I ended up saying before walking out of the studio.

In the back of my head, I kept thinking of buying some things for Chloe as a little present to show how appreciated she is and how much I will miss her. I stopped off at the shopping centre on my way home, and bought her a sterling silver best friend necklace, with half a heart on it. There's a tiny little magnet on it which connects to mine, which shows our friendship. I also got her a big photo frame, and I decided to head to the photo kiosk, so that I could print off some hilarious and cute photos of us from my phone to put in it. Finally I bought her a card, which I was going to write a long message in. I knew I couldn't do anything with the stuff when I got in, as she would already be home, and she'd probably want to speak to me.

Driving home I got a message from Chloe, which read:

Chloe: Hey beautiful, how's work? Hope you're okay, see you soon, I love you xox

I couldn't reply, but it made me realise that I wouldn't get all these texts off her every day when she moved. She's going to be ahead in time by about 6 hours I think (don't ask me how many hours, I'm not smart) so we'll be having day and night at opposite times. I'm absolutely dreading it.

(No ones POV)

As Beca pulled up into the driveway, Chloe noticed the car pull up. She couldn't believe Beca had been sent home, AGAIN. As Beca walked through the door and walked into the lift, a single tear fell from Chloe's eye. It broke her heart that it was happening, as she hated how much it had affected her best friend.

The door opened, and Chloe stood there as if she'd just seen a ghost. Beca instantly stopped and threw her bags onto the bed. She ran up to Chloe and gave her the biggest hug.

"I'm so sorry" she said. "Theo asked me what was going on so I told him and he sent me home"

"It's okay, it just means we can talk things through, I feel we need to do that" Chloe said quietly.

Inside, Chloe prayed that Beca would open up to her, as this was probably the last long conversation they could have together.

The moving day was getting closer, and everyone was feeling stressed. Chloe's parents had to finish packing up their house, as someone was moving in a few days after they left, Chloe needed to pack everything up that was hers, and on top of it, she couldn't bear to think about losing her best friend.

"You know, you'll find some new friends as soon as you move" Beca said, as her voice began to shake.

"You'll always be my best friend, Beca, no matter how far away we are from each other" Chloe replied.

"You'll have an amazing time, Chlo" Beca whispered, taking a deep breath. She knew from that moment it was going to be harder than she thought it would. Without Chloe, she was such a different person, and she had no idea how to deal with it...


A/N : I hope you're all enjoying the story so far! Sorry if it's boring, it's going to start moving on a lot more in the next chapter onwards, at the moment I'm just building up to Chloe's big move, before explaining the effect it ends up having on Beca. I have written a plan of what I'm going to write about, so I have the ideas, but I'm back at school now and I have my most important exams of my life coming up in May, and my parents are making me start my revision now, so I'm sorry if the chapters are really spread out on being published, but I'll try my best to get them up quickly. Lots of love xx

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