I Need To Tell Her The Truth

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(Beca's POV)

"What?!?!" I say. I'm absolutely shocked. She's moving. She's leaving me.

"I'm so sorry, Becs" Chloe said. "I can't believe it's actually happening and it's killing me"

I can't hold it in any longer. As two tears fall from my cheeks, I give her a hug and tell her it's okay and I'm okay with it. Inside, I feel like I'm having some sort of panic attack. She can't leave, she knows I can't stay here alone. I'm really upset.

"I'll be fine, I promise" I lie. I hate lying to Chloe, she's so lovely and doesn't deserve that, but I have to as I don't want to make her more upset.

Chloe wiped away her tears and stood up. She looks so upset, it's as if someone's died or something. It feels horrible, and as upset as I am, I'm trying to keep it in for Chloe's sake, no matter how much she hates it when I do that.
After about five minutes of constant crying from Chloe, she's broken the silence. I heard a very quiet voice saying "are you okay?" out of nowhere.

"Yes, Chloe. I'm fine" I reply. Wow I hate lying to her so much. It's getting late as well, so she's obviously tired too, which is making it worse for the poor girl.

"I think we need to get some sleep" I say, as I sit Chloe down on her bed and give her a friendly kiss on the head. "Love you Chlo" I whisper, as I switch off the main light, leaving a lamp on next to Chloe's bed.
"Love you too Becs, I'm sorry" she replied.
"No no it's okay I promise" I say.

(Chloe's POV)

I told her. And I regret it already. I only have until the end of this week to spend with my bestfriend, and it's breaking me inside. I know Beca is upset, but she's keeping it inside to stop me from getting more upset. She's done it for years, I know what she's playing at.

I don't want this to actually be true. I'm really worried that Beca will not be able to cope and will be struggling for the rest of her life. She's just put me to bed to try and calm me down because she thinks I need to sleep on it. Yeah right Becs, I'll be crying all night...


(No ones POV)

The next morning, Chloe slept in before having to go out to visit her parents to start packing things up for moving. As she was waking up, Beca was about to leave for work. She really didn't want to face work, but she knew Theo would be concerned otherwise.

"Have a good day Chlo, I'll see you later" Beca said.
"You too Beca" Chloe replied.

Beca arrived at work 30 minutes late, and Theo was standing there with his arms folded.
"Is everything okay? You're late Mitchell!" he said.
"No shit sherlock" Beca joked to Theo. "Yeah, everything's fine, just a bit stressed."
Theo looked confused, but he had to just carry on like normal. He kept a close eye on Beca to check that she was working hard and not off task. After about an hour, Beca just sat there, thinking things through. She thought about what Chloe had said last night, and she began to think about what her life would be like without her right next to her. After about 10 minutes, Theo noticed.
"Beca?" he shouted across the room.
"Oh yeah, sorry. Just daydreaming" she replied.

Theo seemed very concerned. Beca looked so tired, and after saying she was "stressed", Theo thought it was best to send her home for the day.

"Beca, I think it's best that I send you home today. You're not concentrating and I can tell something's up" he said.

(Beca's POV)

So I've just been sent home. Oh my god this is ridiculous. I can't believe I've been sent home because I wasn't concentrating. I wish Chloe wasn't leaving in a few days. I just want to spend all the time I can with her before she leaves, but it looks like she'll not be coming back anytime soon. I bet she's having the time of her life with her parents, getting ready to move to the other side of the world, and leave me for some new weirdos that she'll make friends with.

I've just arrived home and all I've done is threw myself onto the bed. I can't help but cry at this point because I'm alone for one, so Chloe won't see, and I cannot take all the pressure anymore. Everything is getting too much. I'm worried that my whole job is going to flop, I'll not have anyone to live with, I'll not have a friend close by, and my whole life will just become a mess. I wish I could just crawl up into a ball and drown my sorrows in tears, until everything is okay again.

(Chloe's POV)

I've had such a lovely time with my parents today, catching up and getting ready to move. I'm so excited to adapt to a new lifestyle, but I'll also miss Beca so much. I know she's upset, I just know it. I hope she's got through the day at work today, she really shouldn't have went in, but she needs the money, especially because she can't be sharing the cost of the apartment with me anymore.


I get home to hear that the TV is on inside. I unlock the door to find Beca, sitting in there under the covers of her bed in her pyjamas. I thought she'd be at work, but she was right there.

"Beca!" I said. "What are you doing here? I thought you would be at work?"

"Oh yeah I got sent home. I just wasn't concentrating and Theo was concerned" she replied. Wasn't concentrating? Why? I bet she was thinking about this whole situation! I knew it was bothering her.

"Oh my god, Beca you can't be getting sent home because of this! You need to go" I said.

"It's okay, I'm fine now Chlo" she said, stopping me from talking any more. She looked broken, and I knew it was my fault.

"So how was today?" she asked me, quickly changing the subject.

"It was great" I said.

"Oh, that's good" she said back to me.

(Beca's POV)

Chloe's just walked in and again, I'm keeping it from her that I've been upset. I feel like I just need to get a grip and show my real emotions towards her. She is my best friend after all, and I do trust her with my life.

"Chlo, I'm so sorry for lying" I said.

"What?" she gasped.

"It has really upset me that you're going" I said, as I could feel my voice going shaky.

"I know it has. I can tell when you're upset, I've known you for so many years now" Chloe said, starting to well up.

"I'm going to be honest with you, I'm scared for what the future holds for me when you leave" I say, as a single tear falls from my face onto my thigh. Chloe sat down next to me and hugged me so tight.
"You'll be okay, Beca. I promise" Chloe said, as she rested her head on my shoulder and wept.

"Chloe please don't cry" I said, trying to comfort her, but it wouldn't work. She was in her own little world. I kissed her gently on the head and took her by the hand, and walked her back over to her bed.

"Promise you won't get sent home tomorrow Becs?" Chloe asked while snuggling into her covers.

"I promise." I replied, not knowing what the hell was going to happen tomorrow. It hasn't crossed my mind yet. I just can't face that thought at the moment. I'm too upset to do anything.

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