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(Chloe's POV)

I stare at my parents, who have an angry look on their face, and look as if they're going to scream.

"No!" Dad shouted, giving me such a shock.

"But why?" I ask, trembling whilst thinking about what on earth they were about to say.

"Chloe, we've just moved house, and we don't have enough money to let you go back, even if it's just for a week. The prices for flights are ridiculous. I'm sorry sweetie, but it's just not possible." Mom said, putting her hand on my shoulder as she came and sat next to me. "I'll deal with this," she whispered to my dad, who walked off with a stern look on his face.

I just want to see Beca. So bad. They know how much I miss her, and they know more about what's going on in her life than I do, and I want to be there for her and make her feel better, but at this rate, it's never going to happen.

"Mom you know more about what's happening with Beca than I do, please can you just help me get to her for one week, just a week, please?" I asked as tears made a glossy layer over my eyes.

"I wish there was something I could do. You're right, I know more about what's happening than you, but it's for your own good." Mom said gently. She was so much more supportive of me than dad was, even though right now I just want to slap her across the face and knock some sense into her brain to let me go. Wait, that's not something I would do. That's a Beca thing. See? I'm literally turning into her. I need her back. Now.

"Is Beca okay?" I said as I started to cry.

"Yes baby she's fine, she just had a bit of a problem but she's okay. Don't worry," Mom replied, wiping away a tear that fell from my eye onto my cheek.

"What was that problem?" I ask.

"I'm not allowed to say, your dad told Julie, David's best friend, that nothing would be said to you, so I can't say."

Panic rushed through my body as fast as a racing car drives around a racecourse. Why are Julie and David involved? I hope nothing has happened to any of them.

"What do they have to do with it?"

"Oh, was a post that Julie made. She tagged Beca in it, that's all."

My heart was pumping very quickly and I started to feel sick. I told my mom I had to use the bathroom and I ran upstairs and slammed the door. I took a few deep breaths and thought through what was said. It made me realise how much I actually needed to see Beca, and it made me think about what's actually going on.

(Beca's POV)

I woke up rapidly at 3am this morning, sitting up faster than I ever have after a nightmare. I woke up crying, and when I realised I was in bed still, I was breathing heavily trying to calm myself down. I had a nightmare that was about me being unable to pay the rent and I was left on the streets. I'd been beaten up and was left there being unable to move properly. It was horrible. I had nobody to call, meaning I had no hope in getting help.

The reason for this horrible nightmare; the payment is due. Shit. I haven't got enough money to pay this month's rent. The payment was due two days ago, and I've been worrying a lot about it recently, because I have to pay double the amount this time as me and Chloe always used to split the cost. Getting evicted has been playing on my mind since the day I lost my job, the same day Chloe left. If I hadn't lost my job, I would have probably been able to earn enough to pay it, but now I don't and I'm stuck.


I went back to sleep after the nightmare and squeezed onto my covers to make me feel less alone and less scared. When I woke up at around 9, it took a few minutes to adjust myself to what was going on around me.

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