How To Surprise Your Best Friend

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(Chloe's POV)

Wow. This is the happiest I've been in a long time. I'm actually going to see Beca again. It's been about 6 hours since mom came in and handed me the receipt and I've been crying on and off ever since. I want to sort everything out with Beca and make sure she's okay because I know there's stuff going on. I'm worried though, worried that it's all my fault that she's been struggling. That might be why she hasn't said anything at all to me about her own life since I moved. If I've caused all of this, shit, I'm so annoyed with myself. But there's only one way to find out, ask her myself in a few days. Then she'll have to tell me because she'll be right in front of me or right next to me. There will be no way out of it for her.

I get my suitcase out my wardrobe and lay it out in the corner of my room. I start picking clothes out that I can take, just casual wear which will be good for when I'm there. I put my blood red converse in the bottom, along with seven pairs of normal socks, and one pair of fluffy socks. Next I put enough underwear in, before putting in some sweatpants for having chill nights like we always used to do, and some jeans and t-shirts. I understand I'm packing really early, but I'm just so excited to see Beca again.

I start singing along to the music that's playing on the radio, when suddenly I hear shouting. For a second I thought it was coming from the radio, but I turned it off and heard the shouting still. Mom told me earlier she was going to go downstairs and tell dad what she had done. That was hours ago though, so I don't know what this was about. Mom and dad rarely argue, but there's many examples of mom keeping things from dad because he's bad at understanding things. Sometimes he can be really nice, and he can be a lovely man, but sometimes he gets way too angry over nothing. Mom hates it when he gets angry. She just carries on talking to him and doesn't know how to calm him down, so dad normally just goes out on a walk or a drive somewhere.

I decide to ignore the shouting, and just carry on packing some things up for Beca's. I'm about to grab some pyjamas from my drawer when I hear my dad running up the stairs. I panic for a split second before he runs in with the receipt in his hand.

"You're not going." he said.

"What? Why?" I ask, trying to stay calm.

"Because Beca doesn't need you anymore. She's got better things to do." Dad replied.

My heart sank. Really? Mom said she needed me more than ever. What's going on?!?!

" said she did! Why doesn't sh...she need me" I said, starting to cry. I tried to keep it together, but Dad just made me feel rubbish and as if Beca hated me or something. Thing is, Dad hates seeing me cry, which may change his decision round.

Dad took a moment to realise what he'd said, while I stood in front of him in tears. He sat on my bed and motioned for me to come and sit next to him.

"Oh Chloe, come here. I'm sorry I got mad. I was just annoyed that your mom didn't discuss it with me before she booked your flight. Beca does need you, I just said she didn't out of anger." he said to me, stroking my shoulder.

"It's okay," I say, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Just be careful, and be supportive of Beca. We have been keeping a secret from you for a while now, but you will find out what it is when you get there." Dad said, giving me the receipt that he stole from my mom. He left the room and I took a deep breath. I wiped away my tears and carried on packing some things up.


I looked up online earlier what to do to surprise your best friend. I decided I wouldn't tell Beca that I was coming, meaning that I would turn up at the apartment door and she wouldn't expect it to be me. She doesn't get visitors, we never did. It was always just her and me and that was it. I read that you should buy a little gift or something to make them smile, and I think Beca needs that. I think I'm pretty much prepared for the stuff she's going through. I mean, I'm not even sure what could have happened, but I'll try and be supportive. I put my shoes and coat on, and go downstairs to leave the house. I booked a cab and told my parents I was going into town to buy Beca some gifts. God knows what I would buy for her, but I want to give it my best shot.

(Beca's POV)

Today I'm feeling a lot more calm than I have for a while. I miss Chloe like absolute hell, but after seeing my dad yesterday and having someone to talk to, it's made me feel less alone than I did before. I just wish it would last. I keep having moments where all I'm doing is panicking about payments and other random shit, but then I calm down and everything's fine. It's just those times where you're confused, but it's a weird confused. It's hard to explain I guess.

Since Chloe left, there's been nothing to do really. I can't go out anywhere because everything involves money and I literally cannot afford anything at the moment. The rent payment was due a few days ago and I haven't paid it.

The thought of being evicted makes me feel physically sick. I have nowhere else to go, and it kills me that I don't have anyone around me who can help.

Just as I start to worry, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I have a look to see a text from Julie. It's a while since I've heard from her, but I'm glad she's speaking to me.

"Hey sweetheart, how's it going? Hope everything's on the up now. I know you're struggling and I know losing David is still raw on your mind, it is on mine too, but I just want you to keep smiling. You can get through it. Love you lots xx"

I reply back by saying "Hey! Not doing too badly, hope everything's okay with you. Love you too xx"

I put my phone back in my pocket and begin to think about the rent again. I sit down on the floor, leaning against my bed and put my hands over my face for a second. What if the nightmare I had the other night comes true? What if I'm not going to survive? What if nobody cares? All these thoughts begin to whirl around my head, as I start to cry and shake really quickly. I was perfectly fine earlier, but now, I'm all worked up again. I'm sick of how quick my mood changes. It just makes me feel so tired, but then I hardly get any sleep at night.


I close my curtains and put in my pyjamas for bed. I haven't eaten anything yet because I hardly have anything in the house, and I'm too tired to do anything. But then, a note comes through the door. Shit. Post.

I start breathing heavily and feel my heart pumping rapidly. I know what it is. I just know it. And I've got seven days to sort it out.

I pick up the note from the floor, which had fallen face down. I take a deep breath before turning it over. It read:

x1 envelope

At this point I'm stuck with what to do next. I put on my dressing gown and slippers, and walk to the lift looking like a dodgy old lady or something. When I reach the boxes where the post is, the lady at the front desk was sitting on her little stool.

"Are you okay Beca?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just got my note now so I thought I'd come down. Could you pass me the key please?" I reply.

She gave me the key and let me open my box. The lady's name was Brenda. Brenda was a great help when Chloe and I moved in. She's always been such a lovely woman, but she's getting older now, and all her hair has gone grey. She's very supportive, and that showed when I opened my box and found an envelope addressed to Miss Beca Mitchell and Miss Chloe Beale, which had a red letter inside. I burst into tears and she got up very quickly from her chair and came up to me.

"What's wrong?" Brenda asked.

I opened up the letter straight away, just to show her exactly what it was. She looked shocked.

"I'm getting evicted..."

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