"Its All Over The News..."

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(Beca's POV)

It's been a couple of days since I last spoke to Chloe. I hope she's having the best time with her family and new friends. I just wish I could see her. After the shopping centre incident, I haven't left the house. I don't want to face that sort of thing again. Instead, I spend the morning finishing off my latest mix, before planning what to do over the next few days. I don't have enough money to pay the rent, and I know I don't, and I swear it's due in about a week. There's no way I'll be able to pay it, and I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to survive here if I don't.


About an hour after finishing my mix, I grab some food from the kitchen for my lunch, and check my phone to find a missed call. From my dad. What? Dad? How did he even have my number? He only called a minute ago, so I wait for a bit so he can ring back. If he doesn't call me back it obviously isn't much of a problem. I scroll through my Twitter feed for a bit, but then I find this article about a car accident that happened an hour ago near to where David lives. I click on the article and read it to myself.

"A car crash has occurred near Portland Gardens, Boston, this morning. One fatality has been recorded so far, but has not been identified."

I'm not sure why, but I begin to worry. I phone David to ask if he was okay, and there's no answer. Shit. Now what? I ignore it and carry on scrolling through my feed to try and take my mind off it. I could be wrong, he may just be busy with work or something.

Half an hour later, and my dad phones again. I answer, while my hands are shaking uncontrollably and my voice is beginning to break.

Beca: Dad, please tell me it isn't true?
Dr Mitchell: I'm sorry, Bec. A car swerved into his side of the car and the seatbelt broke. He came out of the seat and suffered major breaks before he lost the battle.
Beca: Oh my god. Where are you?
Dr Mitchell: I'm at home.
Beca: How do you know all these details?
Dr Mitchell: It's all over the news...

I switch on the TV to find the article everywhere. There's photos of David's car and this other car crushed into each other, with those in the other car being treated from concussions and painful breaks.

Beca: Oh yeah, just turned it on now.
Dr Mitchell: Are you okay?
Beca: Not really, but I'll be fine. You?
Dr Mitchell: I'm shocked. I'm only a call away if you need me, Bec.
Beca: I know.
Dr Mitchell: Sheila and myself are organising the funeral for Saturday.
Beca: Sorry dad, I don't have the money. I got fired so I don't have enough to travel while I'm trying to keep my apartment.
Dr Mitchell: Oh dear. Well I'll send you an order of service in the post, okay?
Beca: Okay, thank you loads.
Dr Mitchell: I love you.
Beca: I love you too Dad.

I hang up the phone and take a deep breath. The article is still on the TV, but now, they've confirmed the victim. They mentioned before that they had his ID and his phone so they have been able to work out who he is. I carry on watching to try and find more details. I can't believe it. My only hope for someone to talk to, and now he's gone too. I hate this.

"News just in. The car accident that occurred on Portland Gardens, Boston, this morning, showed one fatality, victim now being identified as 32-year-old David Mitchell from Maine. David was travelling to work when another car took a swerve into his side of the car. Multiple injuries happened before he was pronounced dead at the scene."

I switch off the TV at that moment. I can't bear to hear the details anymore. Suddenly, I think of Julie. Her best friend has just been killed. I need to speak to her. I phone her as fast as I can, and wait for an answer. Finally, she picks up.

Julie: Beca?
Beca: Julie, have you heard?
Julie: Yes, I have. Are you okay?
Beca: Not really, but I'm more worried about you.
Julie: I'm just trying to come to terms with it. Your dad told me about the funeral on Saturday. Are you going?
Beca: I can't, I don't have the money to fly over. Dad is posting an order of service to me so I can see it.
Julie: That's okay then. Anyway, I have to go and sort some things out. Take care of yourself sweetheart.
Beca: You too Julie.


I think about what to do next. I can't tell Chloe, I just can't. I don't want to upset her when she's trying to enjoy herself. She doesn't need to know, especially when she's settling into her new home well. I curl up on my bed and put my headphones in. Listening to the old mashups from the Bellas could help me feel better. I smile as I listen to me and Emily singing 'Flashlight' before Chloe, Amy and Stacie join in, and the other Bellas following. Those memories help me feel better because it reminds me of those times where I hated being part of the Bellas because Aubrey made me feel stupid, and then the bond that I created with those girls that helped me become the leader, and enjoy it more than I ever thought I would. The bellas lived miles and miles away, whilst pursuing their new careers. They meant so much to me, and I didn't want to make them upset with my news either. I wish I could see the girls again, with Chloe, and have an amazing time. That would make everything feel so much better.

I check my phone again to find a notification from Facebook, where Julie had tagged me in a post. I open it up to find the article about David, and a message for me, my dad, and my stepmonster, Sheila. It read:

"I am beyond shocked by what has happened this morning. My best friend, since I was about 6, has been taken to live with the angels, after he was involved in a horrible car accident in Boston. He was such a gentleman, who was always there to help anyone who needed him, despite his busy work schedules. Thank you for everything you did for me, your friends and your family. I know we are all so grateful for you, and we hope you enjoy it up there. Your dad is still so proud of you for all of your achievements, just like he was when you were younger, and although you didn't see much of Sheila, she still loves you a lot, and would have loved to see you a lot more. And your gorgeous little sister, she's struggling at the moment, but she's getting there. Beca Mitchell, after seeing you the other day in the shopping centre in the state that you were in, I felt horrible, and now after this, I feel even worse. You are a strong, talented young girl, and I hope you know how much your brother loved you. Despite being the favourite child all his life, he loved you more than anything, and he always wanted to make sure you were alright. I know you spoke to him once after your life started going downhill recently, and he told me that he wished he could have come and seen you and gave you a big hug. He's watching you from up above, and he is guiding you through life from now on. He would want you to smile through your life, even though it will be hard. He has faith in you, and he is proud of you.
RIP David Mitchell. Forever my best friend.
You will be such a sad miss, and you will never ever be forgotten.
I love you always, Julie <3"

I comment on her post, saying, "I love you always, thank you for everything x" as I feel tears rolling down my cheeks. It really made me realise how much David really cared for me. When we were younger, he made out that he loved being the favourite, and he used to upset me a lot about it, but after a while he did begin to feel bad about it, because of the way I felt.

I lie down on the bed, and get comfortable, as I'll not be moving from this spot for a while. I need to think. As I lay here, silently, I think about how much pain he would have been in while that was happening. I can't help thinking about it. He doesn't deserve anything bad to happen to him. He was amazing, the best big brother I could have ever asked for. I end up crying for so long that I feel really tired. I end up just giving up and letting myself cry until I fall asleep, just so I didn't have to think about this anymore for the rest of the day. If Chloe was here, she'd be able to help me feel a bit better. She'd be here to hug me and comfort me, but I don't want to make her sad, so I'm stuck. Alone still, but this time, I'm actually alone. I haven't got David anymore. I can't come to terms with it at all.

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