I Wonder...

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(Chloe's POV)

I woke up early this morning to find a note pushed through the door. I remember exactly what that means. We have mail. Weirdly. I walk over to Beca's bed about to wake her up, when her phone buzzes. I open up the chat to see she had been texting her dad, and that she had told him the news that she was moving in with me. He seemed happy for her, which is great. I put the phone back down and shake her gently.

"Beca, wake up" I whisper.

Beca slowly began to wake up, by stretching and groaning like she always does when she's been woken up.

"What do you want Chlo? It's 8am" she said.

"Yeah sorry, it's just we have mail so I was wondering if you wanted to come downstairs with me to get it?"

She nodded as she sat up and took a breath. I smiled at her and took her hand, pulling her to stand up next to me. I stroked her head and made her hair look less messy before we went down, because for one, she couldn't be bothered to do it herself, and two, she was the right height to do it. I'm short myself, but Beca's head is at the height of where my nose it, so I can reach her head easily.


We arrive downstairs and grab our key from the cupboard. I walk over to open it, while Beca is stood behind me with the note in her hand. At the bottom of the box was a small envelope with 'DO NOT BEND' typed in red on the front. I pick it up slowly to see that it is simply addressed to Beca, but I take a look at the back and read 'Love, Dad x' written on it. I smile and hope that it's something she will enjoy. Part of me worries that it's something bad, but that's only because I'm not used to Dr Mitchell being back in touch with his daughter. Before the other week, she hadn't seen him since she first joined Barden. After her first year there, her dad moved and began working at a different university, which Beca was pleased about because she didn't have to see him again, but now that they're back in touch, I'm pleased, but I still have that slight worry in the back of my head because I don't want to see Beca get hurt again.

"It's for you sweetie" I say, handing the envelope over to Beca and shutting the door of the box. She looked really confused. I walk back up to the apartment with Beca, as she asks herself what it could be.

"I'm so confused" she said. "Do you know what it is?"

"I really don't. Open it when we get back in the apartment" I reply.

I open the door and head inside. I'm already dressed, so when Beca sat down on her bed, I had a think about what to do with her today.

(Beca's POV)

I open up the envelope that was in the mailbox slowly. God knows what dad has sent me, but I'm excited to see it. Inside I find a letter, and as I open it up, a little photograph falls out of it. Chloe picks it up from the floor and stares at it.

"Oh my god" she gasped. Her eyes began to fill with tears as she looked at me.

"Chloe...? What is it?" I ask, very concerned as to why she got upset. She handed me the photo and I take a breath. Wow. I wasn't expecting that.

Chloe walked up to me and sat down on the bed. She held my hand as I continued to stare at this photo.

"Your curls Becs, they're beautiful" Chloe said, giving my hand a squeeze.

The photo was a very old one from when I was about 4. This would mean that David was 10. It's a photo of him, holding my hand as we stand in front of the Christmas tree with big smiles on our faces. I always seemed to love Christmas. Even though I didn't get as many big presents as David, I was still always very grateful for everything I got. Christmas was always the day where I was really happy and always wanted to play outside in the snow. It was the one day I could be happy and joyful with everyone and pretend nothing bothered me when I got older; when I was 4 I didn't really understand the favouritism.

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