Next Client Please!

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(Chloe's POV)

I opened the bedroom door and let Beca in first. As soon as I shut it, she curled up in the corner of the bed and put her head in her hands. She was still shaking, and I got really worried because I was stuck on what to do.

"Do you want to tell me what she said? It might help me understand a bit more," I said, sitting down on the bed next to her. Beca nodded, but as she tried to speak, no words would come out of her mouth. As tears brimmed her blue eyes, she sighed heavily, but stayed quiet. I remembered what she told me at work and tried to start off the conversation with what I knew.

"So she said you would be a handful?" I asked.

"Yep. She said she knew I would be one even before I did anything. She loved David, just like my dad did, and she hated me, just like dad did. Even Sheila hates me. Why does everyone seem to hate me? I did nothing," Beca said. My heart broke when she said that. Tears fell from her eyes as I pulled her in for a hug. I stroked her back and played with her soft, chocolate brown locks until she calmed down.

"That's not true babe. I don't hate you, it was just those people. But your dad doesn't hate you anymore, he adores you! If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have known who she was! Don't worry, it's fine. You're not working with her anymore, you'll get new clients." I said, keeping her calm. I hate seeing her break like this, it hurts me so much, but that's why she never used to tell me things, because she didn't want to hurt me.

What Beca didn't know, was that I had, in fact, applied to work with her as one of her clients. I wanted to record professional covers and start writing my own music. I had spoken to Daniel earlier about it and he said that it would work very well and he would get me sorted as soon as possible. Now that Beca doesn't have a client, it might mean I can get in there quickly. I just don't know when the right time will be.

(Beca's POV)

"I'm sorry for upsetting you," I said.

"No no don't worry, get it off your chest, it's fine," Chloe replied. I could tell she was upset about it too, but me crying all over her was definitely going to make it worse.

"Come on, let's go get something hot to drink. You need to relax." Chloe started. "Dry your eyes first, my parents are still down there."

We went downstairs and began to make mugs of hot chocolate when Chloe's mom walked into the room.

"Is everything okay now?" she asked. I nodded and smiled at her.

At that moment, my phone began to ring. I looked to see who it was to find it was Daniel.
"Two seconds Chlo, Daniel's calling," I said, and went off into the hallway to answer the call as Chloe took the mugs back upstairs.

Beca: Hey!
Daniel: Hey sweetie, how are you?
Beca: Not too bad. I just cried for ages in Chloe's arms just explaining stuff.
Daniel: Wow, didn't expect you to be such a softie!
Beca: Hey, shut it!
Daniel: *giggles* anyway, I called to check up on you, and to update you on some stuff. So I've moved your mom to the other building so you won't see her at all. She's working with a really strict-working man who will get her sorted. He is called Frank. He is aware of the situation, and might like to talk to you soon. He is really nice.
Beca: That's great! Thank you!
Daniel: I have more news. I have found you a new client who is only two years older than you. She's a lovely girl, you'll love working with her.
Beca: Oh so shes Chloe's age?! I'm looking forward to it, thanks Daniel!
Daniel: No problem, Beca! I'll see you tomorrow, keep relaxing.

I hung up the phone and smiled hard.

"What's made you so happy?" Chloe asked, swallowing her mouthful of hot chocolate.

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