My New 'Best Friend'

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(Chloe's POV)

Only a few hours sleep, but I'm up. I phoned Beca last night, and it was great to hear that she was okay. After I found out she got fired, I was so scared that she would be struggling, but she's okay, and that's amazing. Today I'm going to go and wander around the area, just to see what this place has to offer. I woke up this morning and sighed with relief, after everything that has happened over the past few weeks, and everything is fine. I'm so pleased this whole thing is turning out okay.

My parents have been awake for hours, and are already moving furniture round. I walk downstairs rubbing my eyes, looking for some food for breakfast when my dad seemed concerned.

"Are you okay Chloe?" he asked me.

"Yeah, pretty good actually, why wouldn't I be?" I replied.

"Just wondering sweetheart!" he said whilst walking into the kitchen to sort out more stuff.

I must admit, that was pretty weird. It could have been because of the fact I was rubbing my eyes when I walked in the room. That's only because I'm so tired as I didn't get much sleep last night, but it was worth it. Everything's okay. Finally.

I followed him into the kitchen to find some food, but me being stupid, I obviously couldn't remember that we had just moved in and we went out for dinner last night. Mom and dad were going to buy food today, so there was nothing in the fridge. I go back upstairs and put on my coat and shoes, and get myself ready to go out. I decided that buying breakfast was the best thing to do, but god knows where I can get breakfast round here. I phone for a cab to take me into town, and I sit on the bench outside my house waiting for it to arrive. I opened my bag to find 5 missed calls from Beca. I really hope she's okay, but I can't call her back right now as I need to get going.

The cab arrives and I was again greeted weirdly like I was last night. I asked him to take me to town, and on the way he asked me a lot of questions. It was pretty awkward, as it was all about my life back in the US compared to now, and what I did in the US. I told him about Barden, and being part of the Bellas, and surprisingly, he knew about the Bellas! He said he was a big fan of a cappella, and that he loved the performances that we did. It felt weird to know that people all over the world knew us, but it felt good at the same time.


I arrive in town and all I can see is hundreds of people just wandering around. The streets are cold and all I can smell is cigarette smoke. Luckily when I look up I see a café which sold breakfast. I go inside and buy myself a sweet waffle and a coffee. It tasted different to normal but it wasn't too bad. I text Beca asking if everything was okay, and within 10 minutes I get a reply just saying:

"Yeah I'm fine, was just bored and missing ur beautiful voice xxx"

I smiled. She always knew how to make me happy. When I smiled, a girl, who looked about my age, came and sat opposite me. I look at her, confused, but I smile anyway to be polite.

"Hey!" she said. "You new here?"

"Yes, I just moved here yesterday" I replied.

"Oh right. I didn't think I recognised you. My parents work here so I'm here a lot. Lovely to meet you, I'm Sarah. Nice accent by the way" the girl explained.

"Chloe, and thank you" I replied as I shook her hand.

"So, what brings you here?" Sarah questioned. She seemed very interested in me, which was nice, but I wasn't sure what to say.

"Well, my parents decided to move here and they wanted to bring me with them. I lived with my best friend before this, and they didn't see me very much as my best friend struggles to be alone after a tough childhood, you see" I said.

Sarah smiled. Why did she find that so amusing?

"I can be your new best friend! It's not like you'll be seeing your other best friend anytime soon, right?" Sarah asked while sniggering.

I stuttered a lot, before taking a big gulp. 'New' best friend? I don't need a new best friend, I've got Beca, and I promised her she'd always be my best friend. But I guess I won't see her for ages, so maybe a friend would be nice.

"Well, I don't actually have any friends here yet..." I started, before Sarah interrupted.

"Well that's great then! Besties for life!"

I begin to feel guilty for betraying Beca. Even though I didn't want to be best friends with Sarah, this has happened. Oh come on, Chloe. This is primary school problems. I decide to ask Sarah some questions about her to try and get to know her. I mean, after all, she is my friend, my only friend round here at the moment.

"So...where about do you live?" I ask.

"About a mile away from here. You?" she replied.

"Few miles away I think"

I start to notice Sarah losing interest in me. Her face begins to look bored as she reaches for her cell phone from her bag, moving her long blonde hair out of the way.

"I love your hair" I said. It was bleach blonde and very thick. My red hair was curled and hanging down, and I loved it when it was curled as it looked so satisfying. Sarah looked up from her cell phone at me and said,

"thanks, not too keen on yours to be honest."

"Oh...that's okay, it's your opinion" I said as my heart began to beat rapidly. I started to think she wasn't really my friend and was just setting me up. I couldn't stay in there any longer.

"I'm so sorry, but I must go. I have things to do" I said, as I stood up getting ready to leave.

"Okay, bye Chloe. Oh, and don't bother coming back, you don't fit in here. Gingers aren't welcome" Sarah said.

I can't believe it. Really?

I walk out the door and go to the nearest bathroom in town. The cab driver gave me a map of the town so I could find where I was going, which was very handy. I ran straight in and locked the toilet door as I went in. There were loads of people being loud in there so nobody could hear me crying hard in the toilet.

After a while, tears began to sting my eyes. I felt so bad about myself because of Sarah's petty comment, and I couldn't stop beating myself up about it. Why would she say that to me? Maybe she was just jealous of my hair? Probably not. I wanted to just dye my hair and get the ginger away so I would be accepted. Beca loved my ginger hair, especially when I curled it. I wish she was here to sort Sarah out and tell her to leave me alone. I'm not as feisty as Beca, I can't just go up to people and have a go at them. That was always Beca's job.


Today I realised that not everyone wants to be your friend, even if they seem like they do at first. Sarah had made me feel like I'll not be accepted here and nobody will want to be friends with me, just because of my hair. Yes, it's hurt my feelings a lot, but I have to rise above it. After all, I've always got Beca.

Basically, I made a friend today that turned into an enemy in less than an hour. A so-called 'best friend' for sure.

Before putting my phone down to go to sleep, I text Beca to say goodnight, even though it's probably early evening in the US.

"Goodnight sweetie, hope you're doing okay over there. Miss yah. I love you xxx"

I would do absolutely anything to see that girl right now. I just wish she could be here with me to guide me through life here. I thought everything was okay, and Sarah has gone and made me feel like shit. I just want Beca. Now.


A/N : Hey y'all I hope you're enjoying this! I'm trying to update this as fast as I can, but I'm putting a lot of effort into each chapter so I'm sorry if they take a while (literally I've been typing up the chapters over a few days then starting the next one straight away, and each chapter is over 1,400 words!)
Thank you all for the support and love you're giving me, it means so much to me that you're all enjoying it and voting and commenting. So grateful for every single one of you.

Love you weirdos x x x

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