The Truth About Kate Jones

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(Chloe's POV)

So I'm about to head to the beach with my parents, but it just feels weird not having Beca here. She's a part of our family now, so it feels really wrong not having her here. But at the same time, I haven't had a day with just my parents in quite a while. It's boiling hot here so we thought it was the best idea, and then we will be back in time for me to pick Beca up.

Once we arrived we went to get something for lunch. My mom and dad both got fish and chips, and I went for the sausage with chips and gravy. While I was eating, my phone rang. I quickly looked to see who it was and saw that it was Beca. I accepted the call and walked away from my parents so I could talk to her in private.

Chloe: Hey babe! Everything okay?
Beca: Sort of. My client just left because she was only staying for the morning, and it was really good, but then I rang my dad and he must have recognised her name but I'm not sure. I mentioned her name and then the line went dead. I'll explain more when I get home.
Chloe: Oh god, are you okay?
Beca: Nervous. I don't know who she is minus the fact that she's my client.
Chloe: Don't worry Becs, it's okay. Anyways I'm at the beach with my parents and I'll be back to collect you in 2 hours, okay? Love you.
Beca: L-love you t-too.
Chloe: Eat your lunch sweetie, you sound really unsettled.
Beca: I just don't know what's happening. I'm physically so scared to work with her tomorrow.
Chloe: It's fine, you'll be okay. I'll talk to you later.

Straight away, I texted Dr Mitchell to ask him what was up.

"Hey, this is Chloe. Is everything okay? Just had a phone call from Beca who is worried sick about what just happened. Please just tell me, it might make it easier if I let Beca know anyway. X"

I put my phone back in my pocket and headed down to the sea front with my parents, trying to forget what was going on. After a slow wander on the beach and a paddle in the sea, we went back towards the car, but stopped off at the ice cream truck that was waiting there. My mom got me a large tub of cookies and cream ice cream because that's my favourite, and they were boring and got plain vanilla ice cream with a chocolate flake and raspberry sauce. We got back in the car and began to head home due to the fact I had to collect Beca soon. As I was listening to music in my earphones, my music dimmed in volume for a few seconds as a text from Dr Mitchell came through. My heart began to beat a lot faster in that moment.

"Chloe I'm worried, if I'm honest. I didn't want to tell Beca over the phone because I couldn't hug her when she cried, because it's gonna hurt her, but you can, so here it goes. Please tell her softly and gently, and please be there for her when she is nervous. The truth is, Catherine Jones (her client), was once Catherine Mitchell. We called her Kate. She is, in fact, Beca's mother. She left and abandoned our family when Beca was a newborn. We heard nothing else of her. I couldn't deal with two children and found myself showing favouritism towards David. Seriously Chloe she's been through enough, try to break the news as gently as possible. Thanks for the concern and support. X"

By the time I finished reading the message, I was crying. I told my parents what had happened so that they could help me tell Beca. I couldn't believe it. Now I understand why Beca was so nervous. My parents agreed that we would go out for a nice meal tonight and then we would all stay very nearby Beca's work tomorrow, just in case of an emergency. I replied back to Dr Mitchell after speaking to my parents, crying again when I got back on the chat.

"I promise I will tell her gently. I can't believe this is happening. She doesn't deserve this. I'll make her speak to Daniel in the morning as well so that he's aware of the situation. I'm about to go to collect Beca from work so will let her know when we get home. X"

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