P.S. I Love You

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(Beca's POV)

At the end of our performance, there was not a dry eye in the room. Everyone was crying. Wow, I never knew we could do that to be honest, I mean, we're just a small group of ladies who sing a cappella for fun! We all looked at each other and smiled, wiping each other's eyes so that our vision was not blurred, as everyone in the audience was cheering and clapping. The other acts came onto the stage, looking pretty down-hearted, because they all probably knew what was about to happen. As well as the actual performance, the competition winners were also picked from the cheers of the audience, and our performance had just received a massive cheer. The girls formed a line for us to stand in, where we held each other's hands and waited for the result to come in.

"And now, the winners of this year's talent competition, who will be taking home the nine free tickets and fast passes to the best theme park in the USA are.....
The Bellas!"

The rest of the acts congratulated us when we all got off stage. We got into the dressing room to celebrate, and then discussed the prize. I knew how to work it out, but I just had to explain it to the girls.

"Okay, so there's only nine tickets, so I think that you girls should have them because you're going back to the US, and me and Chloe are staying here. You deserve it for the hard work you've put into this present for Chloe." I said. The girls were leaving in the morning to go home anyway, and I've had a special idea to do something for Chloe that I've wanted to do for a while. I also have something to tell her. I've wanted to say this for so long, but I'm so scared about losing her as a friend if I say it, but whatever happens, she's stuck with me living in her house, so it doesn't really matter, unless she kicks me out the house for it.

"Are you serious??" Aubrey asked.

"Dixie chick serious," I replied.

"Oh no Beca don't, you're making me sad because we're leaving tomorrow!" Aubrey said.

"You're leaving tomorrow, what do you say?" I started. The girls looked confused, until I looked at Chloe who caught on really quickly, like she did on Amy's dad's boat when I was making signals.

"When I'm gone..." Chloe carried on.

"Ohhhh nooooo" the girls whined.

"Beca, Chloe, stop with the jokes! We're going to miss you guys so much!" Ashley said sadly.

"We'll miss you too!" Chloe said. "Now come on, I'll drive you all to the hotel. Will you be able to get a taxi to the airport tomorrow? My dad needs the car for work."

The girls nodded as we headed out to the car and piled ourselves in it like we did when we were going to see Chloe. She was driving, while the girls got into the car the same way that they did the other day, which meant I was crouched on the floor in the front by Amy's feet. Not a very comfortable position to be in, especially because Amy's feet smelled sweaty because of the lights on the stage making us boiling hot.

Chloe drove us to the hotel, and all I could hear was loud voices, and "Beca are you okay down there?" from behind me. God I love these nutters. They've been amazing friends for all these years, and I'm so glad the friendship has lasted. Them being here has helped me take my mind off all the problems I've had over the past few months, and it's made me realise that friendship is the best medicine for anything.

When we arrived at the hotel, the girls all got out of the car and stood outside the door. Emily was in a state already, and Stacie was half asleep, with Aubrey holding her hand so she could squeeze it to stop her from falling asleep, and Flo and Lilly were stressing because they were scared they had left something at the venue (which they hadn't).

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