Hair Dye, Notes and Tape

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(Chloe's POV)

Last night, I had a really bad nightmare. I sat up in bed, and my hands were shaking so much. I had been upset just before I went to bed about what Sarah said about my hair, and now that I'd sat up, I remembered everything that happened yesterday. I don't want to tell my parents what was said, like when I got home they asked how my day out was and I replied with "it was great."

While I was out, I was stupid enough to buy a couple of boxes of blonde hair dye. Thing is, if I do it, my parents will know something has happened. I love my red hair, and so does everyone else, so dying it would prove that something is really wrong.

It's 4 am here, and I'm not sure what time it is where Beca is, but she'll be awake. I phone her just so I can hear her voice and talk to her about what's going on in our lives. We had such a quick change so quickly, and it's hard to be able to catch up with her. I hate change so much, I always have, so this has been particularly hard. I remember when we were at Aubrey's campsite and we were sitting around the fire talking about graduating and moving on. I hated that, and I couldn't seem to hold myself together.

Beca answered the phone call pretty quickly, which was good for me, I guess.

(Beca's POV)

I woke up from my sleep about an hour ago, and all I've done since is just play on my phone. Nothing is interesting to me at the minute, and I can't seem to find anything to make me smile. All I can think about is those memories I did have with David when we were younger. It's sad that we didn't have that brother-sister bond until a few years ago. Although we haven't spoken for a while up until the other day, I still felt a lot of love for him inside. I'm not the sort of person to show their true feelings, but I feel like since Chloe left, I haven't been able to keep it all in. I want Chloe back, I want David back, I want to see the bellas again, but I can't, and it's slowly killing me.

Just then, my phone rings. I take a deep breath to make sure my voice doesn't sound shaky, but even that one breath was shaky. I can't get upset on this call, Chloe doesn't know. Come on Beca, you're strong, you can do this.

Beca: Hey Chlo
Chloe: Becs! How are you?

And I have to lie. Great.

Beca: I'm good! How's you then?
Chloe: Not too good to be honest
Beca: Oh Chloe, what's wrong?
Chloe: So I met this girl when I was out at a café by myself yesterday called Sarah. At first she was really nice to me, and she told me her parents worked at the café, but then she said would be my new best friend because I wouldn't be seeing you for a while, and I felt a bit weird about it because you're my best friend. Then I said I liked her long blonde hair, and she said she didn't like mine, and then when I left she said I wasn't welcome because I'm ginger. *cries*
Beca: Chlo! Don't cry, you're gorgeous, and your hair is beautiful. You know how much I love it, right?
Chloe: Yeah I do, and I was stupid enough to buy hair dye and not tell my parents so if I do it they'll know something's up.
Beca: Don't dye it, Sarah can get lost, okay? You're beautiful, and she's probably just jealous of how beautiful your hair is!
Chloe: Thanks Becs, you're amazing
Beca: No problem, I'm always here for you no matter how far away we are from each other.

Chloe was on speakerphone all the way through the call. I tried to distract myself by looking at old photos on my phone. I came across a very old photo of David, holding my hand as I went down a little slide by myself. I used to be so scared of doing things by myself, even going on the tiniest little slides. I swear I was about 2 in the photo, but it showed how much he loved me and I liked that. I started to well up and my hands began to shake, and Chloe picked up on my voice going shaky.

Chloe: Yeah, I hate this distance thing. It sucks doesn't it?
Beca: Yeah, I hate it.
Chloe: Are you okay Beca?
Beca: Yeah...why?
Chloe: Oh right, it's just you sound like you're about to cry.
Beca: No no, I'm just so tired, it's late here. What time is it there?
Chloe: I don't know, like 4:15 am ish?
Beca: Chloe why are you awake?
Chloe: I had a bad nightmare and woke up shaking.
Beca: Oh baby, you're safe now, okay?
Chloe: Yeah *sniffles*
Beca: Try and get some sleep, you'll be okay.
Chloe: Okay, goodnight gorgeous.
Beca: Goodnight sweetie, love you.
Chloe: Love you too.

I hang up the phone quite quickly. I feel this crazy idea running into my brain, and I just pray the police won't do anything. I scroll down my contacts to find David's number. I phone him and wait for the answerphone to come on. It takes a while for it to go through, which obviously means his phone is still on. I'm just hoping the police won't answer my call.

I'm suddenly greeted to his voice saying "Hey, David Mitchell here. I'm a bit busy at the moment so leave a message, I'll get back to you ASAP"

Hearing his voice just broke me. I burst into tears and left a message on his voicemail, simply saying, "I love you David"

(Chloe's POV)

After speaking to Beca on the phone, I felt a lot better than I did. Just hearing her voice made me smile. I noticed her voice getting a bit shaky towards the end, and she sounded like she was about to cry, but she said she was fine. I really hope she was telling the truth, I can't let her be sad. I just can't let her feel upset. Beca was right though, I do need to get some sleep. She can be so overprotective at times, but it's just because of how much she cares about me. She can be cute.


It's now 10 am, and I managed to get a couple of hours sleep. I sit up in bed to see the two boxes of hair dye on my desk with a note. Great. My parents came in to check if I was okay this morning when I was sleeping, and found the boxes on the floor. I get out of bed and walk over to the desk to grab the note attached to the boxes with tape. It read:

Chloe, why? I thought you loved your red hair, what's going on? Come and tell us, we're here for you, we don't bite! Mom xxx

Now that they know something's wrong, I'll walk downstairs and they'll be all over me asking what's wrong. I really don't want to tell them what happened with Sarah, but I guess I'll have to. I need to man up and do it. I'm not a baby anymore, I'm meant to be a grown woman. Ugh.

I walk downstairs slowly, before walking into the living room and sitting down on the sofa. Nobody said any hellos or anything, just straight into this situation.

"What's going on?" Mom asked.

"Nothing I'm fine, just fancied a change" I lie.

"No Chloe, what's going on?" Mom carried on.

I can't say anything. My throat begins to feel tight. I'm trying to hold in everything because I have never really opened up to my parents like this before and I don't know how they'll react. They might tell me to stop being a wimp, they might tell me to ignore her, I don't know. I'm just so used to Beca telling me what to do in these sorts of situations now that I've forgotten what my parents say to 'help' me.

"Chloe, tell us what's wrong" Dad interrupts.

Mom came and sat down next to me and put her arm around me, as I burst into tears in her arms. I decide it's probably best I just tell her and then it'll be over, for now anyway.

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