Fixing the Laptop

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(Beca's POV)

Chloe and I began to unpack our things into our room. She had shown me round the rest of the house, and had explained how we would sort out the bedroom. We carefully set up the desk in the corner of the room, and put all of the mixing equipment on there. Whilst Chloe started unpacking some of her clothes, I switched on the laptop, to find that the screen had smashed, like a camera lens would if the camera got dropped. It showed a white screen with a massive black crack in the middle and other colours coming out through the the sides of it. Shit. This can't be happening. I gasped in shock as my eyes filled with tears. Chloe turned around to see what was wrong when she heard me gasp.

"Beca what's wrong?" she asked, walking up to me and wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

"Look at this," I said, pointing to the laptop. "Everything's saved on here, Chlo. What do I do?"

"The bubble wrap must have been pretty shit then," she said, hugging me gently. She thought for a second about what she could do, and then came up with an idea.

"I swear there's a store in town that fixes screens like this. They can probably do it for you," she said.

I took a massive sigh of relief when she said that. Thank god this could get fixed.

"When can we go?" I asked, trying to hide my tears.

"Tomorrow?" Chloe questioned.

"Great," I said. "I would honestly be devastated if it couldn't get fixed."

"I know, and that's why I want to check if we can get it fixed. It will probably just need a new screen. My dad is good with computers, I'll go and ask him," Chloe said. She went downstairs to ask her dad about it while I continued to unpack everything else. I come across the photo of me and David that my dad sent me, in the little photo frame that Chloe bought me for it, and I put it down on the desk next to all my equipment, so I could look at it every day and remember David and his life.

A few moments later, I heard Chloe rushing up the stairs to find me. She had brought her dad up to look at my laptop.

"Right, Beca, what's the problem?" Alistair asked.

"The screen must have cracked while travelling," I replied, moving out of the way to show him the broken computer.

"Yeah, it will just need a new screen. If you're going tomorrow, I'll lend you both my car. Chloe can drive you there, just please don't crash it, okay?"

Chloe nodded, as Alistair smiled at us and left to go back downstairs.

She looked at me in the eye and noticed that I had been crying more. She walked up to me and wiped a few stray tears from my face.

"It's okay, we'll get it sorted," she said, taking my hand and walking me towards the bed. We sat down and Chloe let out a deep breath.

"So, do you like this place?" she asked, trying to distract me.

"I don't like it, I love it," I replied, singing the tune of the song.

"That's my line!" Chloe giggled as she understood my joke.

"Oh the memories," she said. "I wish we could sing with them again at this talent show."

"I know, me too." I said, beginning to think about my little plan that I have thought of when she mentioned it. It's nearly Chloe's birthday, and this could be one of the best presents she'll ever get from me. I can't wait.

(Chloe's POV)

I'm so glad that there is the miracle of a store that we can go to tomorrow. As soon as I saw Beca's face when she found out the laptop was broken, my heart shattered. Seeing her all teary eyed like that always hurts me, because I know she doesn't cry unless she's really upset, and I know how much all that stuff means to her. We've almost finished unpacking, and she still seems slightly upset, but she is a lot better than before. I help her put her clothes in my tall wardrobe, because it's so tall that even I can only just reach the railing inside it, proving that Beca can't reach it at all because she's so small. She passed me some clothes and I put them on a hanger and put them in the wardrobe. It didn't take too long before we were completely done, and we could have a long rest.

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