Starbucks Fixes Everything

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(Beca's POV)

I woke up this morning, and just felt so so drained. Its Saturday. Funeral day, and all I can think about is my family, Julie, and all of David's friends. I wish I could have gone, so I could give my brother one last send off, but at the same time I'm glad I can't make it. I'm going through enough as it is, never mind going to that horrible service. I check my phone to find a text from my dad, reading,

"Thinking of you today, sweetheart. You're mentioned in Julie's speech, she's looking forward to speaking about her best friend to show everyone how amazing he was. Stay strong, I love you, Dad x"

I smiled, but cried at the same time. Hang on a minute, that sounds weird, let's try again. A glassy layer of tears filled my eyes really quickly, while I smiled at the fact that my dad acknowledged me for once in his boring old life, and Julie had put me in her speech which she told me took ages to write. I wish I could hear the speech, but I bet its absolutely amazing. I wouldn't be able to read something out, I'd not be able to stop blubbering like a baby whilst standing up there. Julie is so brave, though. She always has been. She lost her mother to cancer when she was about 10, and her dad wasn't good at looking after children. I remember David inviting her to stay at ours when it happened, so my dad could help look after her for a bit. David was 12 at the time, and I was 6. I remember it so well even though it was so many years ago. She's gone through a lot, but she's so so brave and strong. David was always so proud of her for everything she did, and I completely understand why. He'd love that Julie was reading a speech out for him today.

I simply reply back to my dad saying,

" I love you too Dad, thinking of you all x"

(Chloe's POV)

Yesterday, I told my mom what had happened with Sarah. I couldn't stop crying as I told her how humiliated I was about it, but she was so much more supportive than I was expecting her to be. She gave me a hug and told me that I was beautiful the way I was, and that people like Sarah are just jealous of me and that I should embrace who I am. Luckily, my mom dyes her hair blonde, so she took the hair dye from me and said she would use it on herself when the grey in her hair can be seen again. She's taking me out for a Starbucks today to make me feel better.

She also picked up on how worried I was about Beca. I mentioned that her voice sounded shaky on the phone but she seemed okay, and mom just said she was probably just a bit lonely or something. If I notice anything else I'll be having words with my parents so I can go and see her. Unless she's not telling me something. She seems okay though, which is excellent.


I go back upstairs to get ready, so I can actually look decent when getting a Starbucks. They fix everything, so hopefully this will make me feel better. I haven't had one here yet, and I'm so excited. I want to know whether they taste the same as they did in the US or not. I wonder...

About 20 minutes later, me and mom arrived at Starbucks. In the corner of the shop, there was a girl sitting by herself. She was beautiful. Well, until I realised who it was. I gulped hard, and mom noticed.

"Chloe, what's wrong?" she asked.

"Mom, that's Sarah, over there with the bleach blonde hair. She's the one that hurt me" I replied.

Mom stared at her, making it so obvious it was actually embarrassing. I hid my face just so she wouldn't notice me there, didn't want her dissing the gingers again, right? I started to feel a bit nervous when Sarah looked over at me and mom. By this point mom had stopped staring, but she looked as if she wanted to say something, but had to wait until we weren't being stared at like idiots. I looked up and watched Sarah give me a dirty look, before she walked out of Starbucks, letting all the cold air come in as she opened the big wooden door.

"Someone looked moody!" Mom laughed.

I smiled. Although she was horrible to me, I didn't really want to be mean about her, especially behind her back. I'm not a mean person so...

Just then, mom had a thought. It actually began to make sense in our own heads, but we weren't so sure if our theory was actually true.

"Bleach blonde hair? But yet she has dark eyebrows and dark eyelashes. That doesn't seem right. Wait. What if she's dyed her hair because she was bullied for her ginger hair, and meeting you reminded her of bad times that she had as a young girl so she's taken her anger out on you! What do you think, Chloe?" Mom asked me. It made a lot of sense for this to be true, but its sad that she would take her anger out on another ginger just because of her past. If I find out that this is true, I will tell her not to get so angry at other gingers and embrace her own hair. Wow, why am I so nice? God Chloe, learn to be rebellious, just like Beca.

(Beca's POV)

Spending time at home by myself has made me feel so alone. I have literally nobody to talk to, and I feel like my life is just going so downhill and I don't know what to do. I'm sat on Chloe's bed, curled up against the wall in my pyjamas and her covers on me to keep me warm. There's nothing exciting on TV, so I put my earphones in and listen to some music. However, my hands suddenly begin to shake and my whole body feels cold. I don't know why, but what I do know is something's really wrong, but I've got nobody here to help. This is the point when I would phone David and ask him to help calm me down, but that thought just makes it worse.

I manage to calm myself down within a few minutes but I have this intense feeling of emotion coming from my brain. I swallow hard and try to get it down. I hate getting upset and I always have, but it breaks me seeing my friends upset, especially Chloe. There was a time when me and her had a little argument. I was angry and I ended up saying stuff I didn't mean. Obviously that upset Chloe, and she began to cry. This broke me, and she told me when we made up that she could tell I was angry then upset because when she started to cry, my face softened a bit and my eyes filled with tears at the sight of her crying.

By now the emotion was so close to coming out, that swallowing didn't help anymore. I spent a good 30 minutes just sitting on Chloe's bed in pieces. Seriously Beca, calm down you little freak. Everything was just too hard for me that I guess my body couldn't take all the upset anymore without letting it out. At least I'm alone though, so nobody is here to witness the mess I am in right now.


It's about 7pm, and I just got a message from Chloe.

"Can we chat? Need to hear your voice xxx"

I decide to phone her, as she'll be able to chat to me and hopefully make me feel okay, even if I don't say anything. She doesn't know about anything, from the shopping centre, to David's death to now. Literally nothing. She picks up pretty quickly, and seems to be excited to talk to me.

Chloe: Hey Becs!
Beca: Hey gorgeous how's it going?
Chloe: Not bad, how you getting on?
Beca: Quite well, everything's going fine.
Chloe: That's good.
Beca: So what have you done today then?
Chloe: I went to Starbucks with my mom because I spoke to her about what happened with Sarah and she wanted to cheer me up, but then Sarah was in Starbucks and it was really awkward. What you been up to?
Beca: Hahaha, this Sarah girl seems so dodgy! And nothing much really, just worked on my mixes and slept because I had nothing else to do, nobody to talk to, so I slept.
Chloe: Could you not speak to David?

I wish. I bloody wish I could.

I hesitate for a moment, trying not to muddle up my words.

Beca: Oh, erm, he was busy today.
Chloe: Oh yeah true, he's always really busy. You should have a long conversation with him when you wake up in the morning, just to have a catch up?
Beca: That would be nice, yeah.
Chloe: Becs, I wish I could be there with you.
Beca: Me too Chlo.
Chloe: Here's some girly advice, even though you're not even that girly. If you're ever feeling lonely or sad, go and get yourself a Starbucks. Mom took me out today and it actually really helped, I feel a lot better now than I did, so if you're upset just go buy a Starbucks, okay?
Beca: Yesssss I will do, Starbucks fixes everything :)


A/N: Sorry this chapter took a while to be uploaded, I've had a very busy week, but here you go weirdos, hope you enjoyed!
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Jen x

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