The Surprise Visitor

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(Beca's POV)

Spending time in the bath really helped. I was relaxed, for the first time in a while, and now that I'm out, I feel more calm than I did earlier. I put some clothes on and sit down at my desk, logging onto the computer to put together a mix, that was pretty much like a set to be done with the girls, but it just seemed fun to make one again. Whilst the computer takes its time to log on and load up my softwares, I take a look at my wrist. The burn has began to look a lot better than it did, and my scars are just there now. It suddenly dawned on me that these scars would be there forever, and that it's going to be something I'll be insecure about for the rest of my life. I then pull my sweatpants down and have a look at my thighs. There were a few larger cuts, but they were mostly little painful ones, like the ones you get when you accidentally cut yourself in the shower, and they sting like absolute hell and they bleed out really quickly. Yeah, that's what it felt like. They're a little bit sore, but they're beginning to heal a lot more now that I've soaked them in the bath. I pulled my sweatpants up again and waited for the computed to hurry the hell up and move it's ass quicker than it was. I'm not a very patient person, so this was annoying.


About 5 minutes later, the softwares were finally up and running, and I began mixing a few tracks together, trying to get a good mashup started. It was going pretty well until there was a knock at the door. Eh? I never get visitors...

I open the door to find my dad standing there. Suddenly all the bad memories from my past with him came back. I loved him so much, but he made me feel so shit when I was little, I'm not even sure if I forgave him, and if I did, why I did.

"Hello sweetheart," he said.

"You're not trying to take me back just because your favourite child isn't here anymore, right?" I questioned. That was literally my main thought in the heat of the moment. David was always dad's favourite, and now that he's gone, he might just want me back, but I'm not falling for it. He'll just hurt me again and I'm already hurt enough.

"No of course not, I just came to see how you were doing. Can I come in?" he asked.

"Erm...sure" I replied.

He walked in as I closed the door behind me. He was looking around the whole apartment, causing me to feel nervous about what was about to happen.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Nothing, just wandering around. Your apartment is really small Bec" he replied.

"Well yeah, it only had me and Chloe in it up until recently and it's just been me ever since."

Dad sat down on my bed as I locked my computer. He motioned for me to come and sit next to him on the bed. I did, but I was hesitant.

"How did you get my phone number? And my address?" I asked.

He thought for a moment and then replied.

"The police phoned me because I was David's emergency contact on his phone. They asked me whether there was any phone numbers I needed from the phone and I asked for yours. The address, I'm not so sure. I've had it for a while I think"

I was confused. Mainly because my dad is sitting right in front of me.

"Why are you here, Dad?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. I know you're going through a rough time on your own. And I also wanted to come and apologise for all those things that happened between us all those years ago. I shouldn't have picked favourites and I should have treated you and your brother in exactly the same way. What I did was wrong, but now I've realised how much it affected you. David told me that the reason you were so worried about living alone was because of things that happened with us, and I feel horrible for being an influence on some of your problems in this situation. I'm so sorry, Bec. I love you and I always have, and I always will."

I burst into tears and gave him a hug. "I love you too dad" I whispered.

He hugged me so tight, as if he was never going to let me go. It felt weird that this was happening, but I believed that he had changed and that he was ready to give me some love and respect for once in his life.

"David would be so proud of you." he said.

"Really though? I'm such a weirdo" I replied, pulling away from his grasp.

"Beca, believe in yourself. You meant the world to David and I know he would be proud of you. Keep smiling, he's watching down on us all now."

Dad held my hand and squeezed it hard. He looked into my eyes and told me I was beautiful, and then wiped my tears away when they fell. I felt like a child again, but the child I never was. Most children get comforted by a parent when they're sad, and the parent is there wiping away their tears, but I wasn't like that. I had David as he got older, but before that, in his days where he loved being the favourite, I had nobody. When dad met my stepmonster, Sheila, it felt even worse. Sheila hated me, and she still does. Once, she locked me in my room for days because I said I didn't want to go to watch David's soccer game. I'd had a bad day at school and I didn't feel very well, so I was locked in for a while. David used to come and give me snacks but that was it. I had a bathroom in my bedroom, like a little en suite, which was helpful. I lost a lot of weight over those few days, because the food I was being given wasn't filling me up.

Seeing dad like this was awkward. It was like a complete different person was sitting in front of me. After all the shit he put me through as a child, and now this?? It's weird. But it feels good because I've got someone to talk to.

Dad's phone rang out of nowhere. He got up and answered it, so I weren't over to my computer and made sure my mix was saved. I logged off and sat back down on the bed. The phone call finished, and Dad sat back down. He looked a bit shocked to be honest, which concerned me.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes sweetie I'm fine, don't worry." he replied.

"That's good, you just looked a bit unsettled" I said. I smiled at him, and he weakly smiled back. I knew there was something up.

Dad put his phone back in his coat pocket and sat back down on the bed. He took my hands and put them in his.

"Anyway Bec, that was Sheila. She's expecting me at the café in 5 minutes so I'll have to go now. You have my number if you need anything, okay?" Dad said.

"Okay, that's fine. How is the stepmonster anyway?" I've known for a while that Dad doesn't like how much Sheila hates me and how much she didn't really like David. It annoyed him a lot.

"Not too bad, she didn't want to come here. She's not pleased I've come to see you, but I needed to see my daughter." Dad admitted. I wasn't surprised. She's a horrible woman anyway. I wouldn't want her in here messing things up.

I got up and opened the door for dad as he put his coat on.

"It was lovely seeing you, Beca. Maybe we should see each other more often?" he said.

"Yeah, that would be nice. Thanks for coming, I wasn't expecting anyone, and I really appreciate the conversation we have had. I accept your apology." I said, throwing my arms around him.

Dad left and suddenly I thought through everything. I'm shocked. Never in a million years did I think that my dad, the man who picked my brother as his favourite and treated my badly all my childhood, would come to my apartment, apologise, and talk to me. I smiled, as a tear rolled down my cheek. It gave me a sense of hope, and it made me feel so much better. That was a surprise that I never thought would happen. He's changed. That was so unexpected. I mean, you learn something new every day.


A/N : Another full chapter done! I have written this whole chapter from scratch in about an hour (I think), like seriously guys this chapter was NOT planned. The idea popped into my head and I wrote about it. I'm quite pleased about that. I'm using my snow days well, but I think school will be open again on Monday :( I'll write as much as I can as fast as I can for y'all because I've been getting many messages from people who are enjoying this story which has made me so happy. I never thought I'd get this much support. Love you all so much, keep supporting. Xxx

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