Now What Do I Do?

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(Chloe's POV)

I'm sat in the back of this cab trying to control myself. I left Beca ten minutes ago, and we're still ten minutes away from the airport. I feel as if this whole thing is going to turn out so badly. I stay silent in the cab, not saying anything to everyone. While my mom is talking to the cab driver about life, like the embarrassment she is, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Are you okay, Chlo?" my dad asked, taking my hand.

I nod. I can't speak because I know I'll not be able to hold it together if I do. I keep picturing Beca, just sitting in the corner of the room in pieces. I don't know what to do. How could I agree to this? How could I leave without taking her with me? I can't leave her. This is ridiculous.

"I know you miss Beca, you can't hide that from me" my dad said, trying to calm me down. "You can phone her every night, you can talk to her when you want and you'll be able to see her again someday, I promise."

A tear fell from my eye when he said that. I just need to speak to Beca. Now.

(Beca's POV)

I walk towards the elevator after seeing Chloe off, and I honestly don't think I've ever been so upset in my life. My heart is beating so fast, and I don't feel like I can hold anything in anymore. The doors closed, and I sat on the floor and broke down in tears. I officially live on my own. By myself. Alone.

Just before I arrive on the floor of my apartment, I stand up, dry my eyes and put on my sunglasses, just in case someone was waiting for the elevator. I'm lucky I did that because someone was waiting. I would have looked like such an idiot if I didn't do that.

As I unlocked the door and walked into the room, I found a note on the floor. I opened it up to find a long letter, with a big photo of me and Chloe stuck onto it. Reading that letter made me tear up again and at that moment, my phone rang.

"Oh my god it's Chloe" I think to myself. I clear my throat so it doesn't sound suspicious, and I answer the phone.

Beca: Chloe! *sniffles*
Chloe: Hey Becs, are you okay?
Beca: yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?
Chloe: that's true, I know what you're like :)
Beca: *giggles* how are you?
Chloe: not the best, to be honest. I keep trying to control myself but it's not working.
Beca: yeah babe I can hear it in your voice.
Chloe: I just want to see you so bad *cries*
Beca: oh no chloe don't cry you'll set me off again! it's okay, I'll see you as soon as possible. Love you lots.
Chloe: I love you too, will talk later.


I hang up the phone with even more tears in my eyes, my hands shaking like a leaf, and my heart beating faster than ever. I keep thinking about how the hell I'm going to deal with being alone all the time now. I know it's not going to be easy at all.

(Chloe's POV)

"How is she?" my dad asks.

"She's okay" I replied. I knew for a fact she wasn't, but it's not like she was going to tell me that.

As we arrive at the airport, I get out of the cab as fast as I can, and grab my two suitcases from the boot. I begin to walk along to the entrance to the airport, and as me and my parents go to get the suitcases weighed, my phone buzzes in my pocket.

"Have a lovely time, will be thinking of you, becs xxx"

I leave the text message because I need to get everything sorted out. We needed to get everything checked and we had to go through security and that, so there was no way I could reply at this moment in time. I feel horrible for ignoring it, but it's what I have to do.

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