Happy Birthday Chloe!

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~~ a few days later --

(Beca's POV)

I woke up earlier than usual this morning (what a shocker!) because it's Chloe's 29th birthday! I have a big surprise planned that she doesn't know about, but her parents are in on it, so they're waking up to help me. They had bought some large helium birthday balloons and some shiny banners to put up, and some pretty wrapping paper for us to wrap our gifts in. As Chloe's parents put the banners up, I wrapped all the gifts that we had for her so far. Many cards had already been sent in the post too, so I lay them out on the floor with the presents. Once everything was ready, Chloe's mom began making chocolate chip pancakes, while Chloe's dad decorated the backyard for the party later on which we were having before her birthday meal. I couldn't help but feel so excited about my own surprise though. I asked Alistair if he would take me in the car to the studio, and then he would drive me home when I had collected my surprise. He said yes, but I just had to wait for a call from my party-starter best friend, Fat Amy, who would tell me when they had arrived there. The Bellas were finally on their way! Amy had arranged to get the girls a cab to her grandparents' house, so they could drop their things off, then the same cab would take them to the studio. Her grandparents said they would take their stuff to their hotel room. I'm so excited to see these crazy girls again, it's been years! I'm sure they're aware of what's been going on, and why I'm here as well as Chloe, but I'm not sure. Anyway. I wrapped up all the gifts and headed into the kitchen to see how Helen was getting on, when I heard movement upstairs.

"Helen, she's awake, I heard her." I said quickly.

"Oh god, right you can put these on the table for me, I'll go upstairs and distract her," Helen said, as she rushed outside and told Alistair what was happening. He came to get me and we waited for the call. Luckily we were only waiting for about two minutes, so we headed out to the studio to get the girls as fast as we could.

(Chloe's POV)

I woke up this morning to find I was alone in bed. Beca wasn't here. She wouldn't have gone to work, we have a day off. I got out of bed and opened my curtains, then sat down on my bed and unplugged my phone, before I suddenly heard people running up the stairs.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART!!" mom shouted as she barged into my room.

"You're so loud! But thanks," I said.

"Wow, you're turning into Beca, not liking the loud noises!" Mom said.

"Well no, I've just woken up and I'm getting shouted at, but okay," I told her.

"Anyway, so here's the plan for today," my mom started. She sat down next to me on the bed. "So in a minute we're going to go and get some breakfast, I made your favourite, chocolate chip pancakes, and then when we're finished eating those you can open your gifts. Then, Beca has something planned and it should hopefully be ready by then. If not, we can sit in the garden for a bit, dad decorated out there for you. He's out at the minute buying food for later before you ask where he is. Then later on, we will go out for a meal, does that sound good?"

"Yes! Thank you so much, I'm so excited! Where is Beca anyway?" I asked. "She wasn't here when I woke up."

"Don't worry, she's fine, she decided to go out for a run." Mom said.

"What?! Beca, running? She doesn't like exercise!" I said.

"She said she needed to wake herself up ready for today. She has been awake for hours but she wasn't fully awake if you get what I mean." Mom carried on.

I didn't believe her for one minute. Beca doesn't go running. I know she doesn't. God knows what she's up to, the little weirdo.

"Can we go downstairs then?" I asked. Mom looked slightly concerned for a moment, which made me confused.

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