Struggling to Mix

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(Chloe's POV)

Before going to pick Beca up from work, I decided to go out into town to buy her a little something for when she got back. It's her first day at her new job so it makes sense. I just hope she's enjoying it. She texted me earlier and seemed as if she's enjoying it, so I can't wait to see her when I pick her up so she can tell me everything about it. It'll mean the world to me to see her smile genuinely again, she deserves that.

I have to get the bus into town because my dad is out, and won't be back until just before I have to pick Beca up, so I grab my keys and my bus pass and walk along to the bus stop. My music was playing loudly in my earphones and it just felt great. It was sunny, and I finally knew for sure that Beca was okay, and that feeling was amazing.

As I was sitting on the bus, just listening to my music, a girl came and sat next to me. I looked up and panicked for a second.

"Shit," I thought.

I took my earphones out and paused my music.

"Hey," the girl said.

"Oh, hey Sarah." I replied.

"How are you? We haven't spoken in a while," she asked.

"I'm good, you?" I asked her, trying to not make it awkward between us. After all, she's the one that started it by sitting next to me.

"Not bad," she replied. "I was just heading into town to go to Starbucks to see my mom, how about you?"

"Oh erm, I was going to town to buy some gifts for my friend. She lives with me now." I said.

"You mean the one you left in the US?" Sarah asked sternly.

"It wasn't my choice to leave her, but I went to visit her, and she lives with me now," I replied, trying not to worry about what was happening.

"Oh, right. Well, I was actually going to try and get in touch with you to apologise for what I said. The truth is, I'm a natural ginger. I got bullied for it at school so it's just a bit of a defence mechanism really, your hair is beautiful and I don't want you to think that it's not. I'm sorry Chloe, I hope we can at least be friends," Sarah said. It took me a minute to process what she had just told me, and I thought for a moment about what to reply with.

"It's fine honestly, I understand. I was treated differently because of it too, I get it." I said, just trying to be nice. She hurt me, and I'll not let her forget it no matter what.

"Anyway, this is my stop. Hope to see you soon," Sarah said, getting off the bus. I gave her a smile, and thought for a moment about what the hell just happened.


When I finally got off the bus, I went into as many shops as I could to find something to buy for Beca. I had no idea what to buy her because there was literally no nice things in the shops, and I wanted to get her something that she would keep forever. I come across a pair of ruby red dangle earrings with beautiful little crystals in them in the window of a jewellery shop as I walk by, and go into the shop to buy them. Beca's chocolate brown locks match really well with red, and she loves the colour red too, which was perfect.

"35 dollars please," the cashier said. I gave him the money as he put the box into a little gift bag which I had paid extra for, because the label was personalised, and left the shop. I have a quick look at the time and realise that I have about an hour until I have to pick Beca up, so that leaves me about 15 minutes to finish off my shopping.

(Beca's POV)

I've spent the last hour trying to come up with two songs to mix together, because I can't produce anyone's music yet. I uploaded an advert online earlier for singers wanting their music produced, and asked them to email me or phone Daniel. Hopefully within the next few days I'll get some proper work.

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