The Facebook Post

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*Hey guys, just warning y'all there is a part in this chapter that may be triggering for some. Hope you enjoy xx*


(Beca's POV)

I wake up to see a little note pushed through the letterbox on my door, but it hadn't fallen to the floor. This probably means there's post because they aren't allowed to come all the way up to my apartment to put letters through the door. It's too much effort for the post people; I don't blame them to be fair, their job sounds boring enough. There's basically just a safe for each apartment on the ground floor where they put the post. Me and Chloe never got post, literally never, so this has come as a massive shock. It's been about a week since the funeral, so it might just be the order of service from my dad. I get out of bed and put on my dressing gown as I walk towards the door. I pull the note from the door and read what it says. It reads:

1x A5 envelope
1x A6 envelope

My head can't seem to understand why there's two letters in the safe. Two? I was only expecting one. I quickly put some proper clothes on, and nervously walk down towards the boxes on the ground floor. I go to get the key from the main desk, and I open the door of the safe to find those two letters, both addressed to Miss Beca Mitchell. I recognise the handwriting on both of the envelopes, but can't work out what they both are. It's too early in the morning, and I'm not a morning person at all.

I take the letters back upstairs, trying to think about exactly what they were. As soon as I get back to my apartment, I open the letters. I open the A5 one first, and straight away, I know that this is the order of service. I take a deep breath before taking it out of the envelope. Its layed out beautifully, with the following written on it:

In Loving Memory
David Alexander Mitchell

This is then followed by a beautiful photo of him before his leavers prom, with his smart black suit on and his purple tie, then his birth date and death date. I open it up to see all the hymns that they sang, and the prayers that they said for him. Also, a folded up piece of paper fell out when I opened it. I pick it up from the floor to find out it was a copy of Julie's beautiful speech. I sit down and read it carefully, and by the time I get to the end, hot tears are falling down my face, and my heartbeat has increased quite quickly. God that was amazing. I wish I could have been there to hear her say all those lovely words about my brother.

*Beca's Thoughts*

No matter how many times I would shout "I hate you David" or something along those lines hurt me now. I know we always used to fight, but I worry now, and especially recently that he really thought I hated him, but in all seriousness, I loved him so much, and I still do. He always made me smile, and he was always there to comfort me when I needed him. I must admit, there was times when I was being bullied in school where I would run home crying my eyes out, and the only person I felt comfortable going to was him. Mom wasn't there, and Dad didn't care about anything else other than his job, his money, and his oldest and favourite child, which wasn't me.

*Flashback (No ones POV)*

That night, David was doing some coursework for his PE exam. He sat at the computer typing up his written work, when Dr Mitchell walked in.

"How's it going, son?" he asked.

"Not bad" David replied.

Dr Mitchell brought in a slice of cake and a drink of juice for David for while he was working.

"You deserve a treat, we can't have dinner until later anyway, I have a lot of work to be getting on with, and you do too, of course."

David nodded, as Dr Mitchell left the room to carry on his own work in the office. As David carried on typing up his notes, he heard a bang as the door slammed. Dr Mitchell ran downstairs quickly to see what was going on, to find it was Beca, so he didn't question why she did it. However he decided to speak to her.

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