The Big Moment

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(Chloe's POV)

This is it. I've arrived at my new home. As I get out the cab and walk towards the front door, I find the key underneath the mat. I open the big wooden door, and it creaks as I open it. This house is actually quite big. It's a modern house but the door is a big rusty one. The things from my parents' house had already arrived and the sofas and TV were already in place.

"So, what do you think?" my mom asked me.

"I love it!" I replied. "Where is my room?"

Mom took me upstairs to the bedrooms and showed me which bedroom was mine and who's rooms the others were. Thank god we have a spare bedroom, so I can invite friends round and not have to share my bed. That is, if I make any new friends. That's one of the worries that I have. What if I don't fit in anywhere? The people here seem so different to what the people were like back in the US, so I'm worried that I'll not fit in very well.

Mom told me to start unpacking my own things in my room, whilst her and my dad sorted out downstairs. I had my two suitcases open on the floor and began taking things out. My room is quite big. I have a lot of space to do things and it feels really weird seeing as I've shared a tiny little apartment with someone for the past few years. First, I unpacked my clothes, and put them all into the chest of drawers and the wardrobe. By the end of this job there was hardly anything to unpack. I love clothes, and that's why the majority of things that I own are clothes and accessories.

I began unpacking everything else, when I found something really special at the bottom of my case. It was the big photo frame that Beca bought me just before I left. It started to hit me now that I was thousands of miles away from her, and that I couldn't see her. I worried about how she would cope now that she'd lost her job, and I just prayed she would be okay. Looking at the photos made me tear up. We spent so much time together, that now we were apart, it just felt wrong. I knew I had to ring Beca, I needed to hear her beautiful voice, and I had to know if she was okay. I unlock my phone about to ring her when my dad decides to shout of me.

"Chloe?" my dad shouted up the stairs.

I didn't answer. I lay down on my bed when I felt a pain rushing through my stomach, and tears rolling down my cheeks. My dad came upstairs to see me when I didn't answer. When I heard him coming up, I wiped my tears away and sat up quickly. He can't know I'm getting upset again, he'll kill me. All he wants me to do is have a fresh start, but I know that won't happen.

"Hey gorgeous, how you doing?"

"I'm good, what do you think of my room?" I said.

"It's beautiful Chlo." he said. "We're about to head out for dinner, you coming?"

I took a deep breath. Shit. I was about to phone Beca, but now I can't. I nodded, and as soon as he left the room, I burst into tears. I was worried that Beca would be struggling now that she doesn't have the money to pay the rent and she's alone on top of everything, and all I wanted to do was phone her and tell her everything would be okay.

(Beca's POV)

I've spent this morning working on my mixes. I hardly slept a wink last night, as I spent the whole night crying. I'd been to the shopping centre during the day, and I hated it. After talking to Julie, my brother's friend, I felt more scared than ever about being replaced by Chloe, and as I was walking round the stores, people began to notice I was alone and that I looked upset. I even had my little twin cousins, Georgia and Layla, coming up to me during their shopping trip asking where Chloe was. I didn't know what to say to them. They're only twelve, and they were asking for all the details. I didn't want to say much in case I got upset again, but all I said was "she's moved away with her family" and that was it. They didn't expect any other details to be honest, which was a bonus for me. But as I was finishing off and walking back towards the car park, a couple of teenage boys walked past me and sniggered. I knew that one of them was Aubrey Posen's brother, and I'm guessing the other one was his friend, but I'm not sure. I remember Aubrey mentioning that her brother had gone to live with his friend, so that might have been him, but as they walked past me, Aubrey's brother shouted, "Oh my god, Beca Mitchell by herself?! Such a miracle for a loser like her!" and his friend seemed to agree. I got into my car and drove home as fast as I could, even though I couldn't see anything as my eyes were so full. I'm surprised I managed to get home before crashing the car. I parked the car in my driveway, and before I knew it I was in tears in the front seat of my car. Seriously Beca, you're not like this. Why do you keep getting so upset? I guess I'm not as strong as I thought I was.

(Chloe's POV)

I put on my makeup and get myself ready before walking downstairs to see my parents waiting.

"You ready now?" Mom asked. She looks beautiful in her ruby red dress and with her hair tied up in a tight bun. My dad is wearing his normal dark suit and tie, like he always does when we go out for meals. And then there's me in a smart but casual floral t-shirt and leggings, and black high heels.

I nodded and headed for the door. The cab was waiting for us, and we were greeted by the driver in a really weird way compared to back in the US. The driver was quite old and really posh. He was fascinated by our American accents.

I can't help feeling down. I want to get used to my new home and phone my best friend and see how she is, but I have to wait for hours before I'm able to, and all I can think about is how she's feeling. I miss her so much already. The thought that she's alone in the apartment with nobody to talk to and no job literally breaks me. I can't let her go through this anymore.


It's my first night in my new home. I'm in bed overthinking this whole situation. I'm in a complete different time zone to Beca, so if I phoned her she'd probably be busy. It's 3 am and I honestly cannot get to sleep. I'm scared. Scared that I've upset Beca. Scared I've ruined everything. Scared of losing contact with my best friend. Oh forget it.

I ring Beca, waiting for her to pick up. It took ages for her to answer, and as it kept going to voicemail, I thought the worst of it every time. I try again and again, and all I hear is:
"Hey! You've reached Beca Mitchell's voicemail. Please leave a message!"
After a while, she finally picked up. I'd been crying before because I was worried about her, so I took a deep breath before I could speak.

Beca: hey Chloe! how are you?
Chloe: I'm good how are you?
Beca: not bad. how's the new home?
Chloe: it's really big. my room is massive and it's so cool, but i wish you were with me.
Beca: me too, but at least we can call every night.
Chloe: yes definitely. I'll call you tomorrow, I should get some sleep. Love you.
Beca: okay gorgeous love you too.

I took a few deep breaths before I thought about what was said. Beca seemed okay, which felt great as I didn't have to worry as much anymore, as she said everything was fine. That's cheered me up a lot, to hear her voice and to know she's okay. That helps a lot.


A/N : Sorry guys I feel like this chapter is really scrappy (woo anna reference there lol) but it will get more dramatic/exciting very soon I promise. I love writing these chapters for you and I hope you're enjoying them. Love you all x x x

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