Welcome Home Beca

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(Chloe's POV)

We get off the plane hand in hand due to Beca's panic, but now that we're off, she seems a lot better. I never knew she had a phobia of flying; it just shows she never opened up to people before recently.

I walked over to the suitcases and found mine and Beca's next to each other. Her big black case full of mixing equipment had been wrapped in bubble wrap to stop anything from getting damaged. This made her smile because she didn't want anything getting broken, and she had been worried at first that it would get lost and she wouldn't be able to use it. That would break her heart, seriously. She works so hard on everything she does, and I wish one day she would just take bigger breaks. She's always tired because she's a workaholic, that's why it hit her so hard when she got fired, and why she constantly works on mixes. She likes to keep herself busy.

We passed through the rest of the airport and got in the cab to my house. Just like I did, Beca found the cab driver a bit weird. She texted me while we were in there so she didn't say it out loud, making me giggle. She smiled at me when I laughed, and put her hand on my lap. I put my hand on top of hers as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"You okay?" I ask.

Beca nodded, and for some reason, I believed her straight away. I'm not sure why this time was different to the others, but I let it go as I watched her scroll through her Instagram feed. She got a facebook notification at one point, and I was so confused. It read:

Alistair Beale commented on your status.

She clicked on the notification and gave me a quick nudge. She showed me what she had posted and then my dad's comment. She had checked in at the airport, writing that she was looking forward to starting the next chapter of her life. Her dad commented on it, saying "Proud of you sweetheart. Xxx" and then my dad had written "Hope you're feeling okay, Beca. Looking forward to seeing you soon x"

"Wow, my dad being nice? That's a change!" I joked. Beca giggled a little, feeling a little embarrassed about talking just in case the cab driver was eavesdropping and judging our conversation. I knew they didn't really care, so I carried on chatting as normal. There was a barrier between the front seats and back seats anyway, so they couldn't exactly see or hear us. Just then, my phone buzzes in my bag. I get it out and find a text from my mom. It made me very excited, but I had to keep it together for Beca's sake. It read:

"Hello sweetheart, looking forward to seeing you.
So myself and your dad have put together a little surprise for Beca. It's nothing massive, but we felt it was the right way to welcome her into her new home. We've tidied up your room and moved some stuff around just so that she can put her things in there, and she can sleep in your bed seeing as it's king size. Hope that's alright with you. And whatever you do, DON'T TELL BECA!! I know what you're like :) see you soon xxx"

"What's making you so happy all of a sudden?" Beca asked with a grin on her face.

"Oh, nothing it's fine, it's just we're not far away from the house, and I'm so excited to be able to do this with you" I said.

"Me too. Thanks for this, Chlo. It means a lot to me." Beca whispered. "If it wasn't for you, today I would have been sat out there on the dirty streets of the USA looking so stupid. Passers by would be shocked, because they all know me because of the bellas. It upsets me to think about it, but now that you're here, I'm safe, and I feel a lot happier. You'll never understand how grateful I am for you, and although those thoughts of what happened to me always play back in my head, you being by my side every step of the way helps me to distract myself. Honestly Chloe you mean the world to me. Thank you for everything. I love you."

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