Table 19

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(Beca's POV)

I got in the car as Chloe began to drive, again, in my car. Our last night out in the USA. Crazy. We were on our way to a fancy restaurant that had just opened a few blocks away from my apartment. It was one of those restaurants where they had loads of random foods, like they had your typical Sunday dinner, but they also had pizza, tacos, jacket potatoes, mac and cheese and that sort of stuff, but apparently their seating arrangements were really nice, so Chloe decided to go there.

"You excited Becs?" Chloe asked, turning on the radio.

"Yeah! It'll be nice to spend some time at a restaurant with you before we head to yours" I replied with a smile. It was weird knowing I would be leaving very soon, because Chloe's week was almost over, and we had spent the week doing amazing things, but now I'll be able to spend every day with her.

"I'm so glad you're feeling okay, I was hoping I'd be able to make you smile again. I didn't want your tiara to fall" she said, putting her right hand on my left knee as she drove. I put my hand on top of hers, and suddenly felt a sense of comfort. I felt safe, I felt loved. I felt generally really good, for the first time in a while.

"Thanks for everything Chloe. I can't wait to spend every day with you again." I said, as we pulled into the parking lot at the restaurant.

"No problem Beca, I'd do anything to see you smile" Chloe replied, stopping the car and throwing the keys at me. We walked inside and waited in the queue to be seated. It didn't take long to get to the front of the queue which was good, because Chloe wouldn't stop complaining about how hungry she was. It's cute when she complains though, she acts like a little kid and it's me that's dead mature, yet I'm the youngest.

"Hi, a table for two please," Chloe said to the man who came to serve us.

"We have many. Would you like to sit in the quiet area?" the man said.

"Yes please, that would be great" Chloe replied, as I stood next to her trying not to make eye contact with anyone. The man looked at his list of tables we could sit at in the quiet area that were free. He then finds a table and begins to take us there.

"Follow me to table 19. This is possibly the best table we have. It's right in the quiet area, and the seats are very comfortable. If you have any problems at all, feel free to ask. My name is Matt. Enjoy!" he said.

Matt was right, table 19 was amazing. I sat down on the seat and sunk into it within seconds, and so did Chloe. The table was neatly set out, with tiny little pink and blue fake flowers around the thing in the middle with the salt and pepper in and the menus. It looked amazing. We ordered our food and as we waited, I looked at Chloe to see her staring into space.

"You okay Chlo?" I ask her quietly.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine, don't be so worried! I'm more worried about you" Chloe replied.

(Chloe's POV)

Once we sat down in the restaurant, I started to think, causing me to stare off into space. I was just hoping that when we go back to my place, Beca will fit in and she'll be happy. Because she's going to be with me, I won't need to worry about not having any friends there, because I'll have her, and it will feel amazing.

Beca took her phone out her bag and began to text someone. She had been quite quiet since she got the photograph, and she had been thinking about her mom, which is very weird. If her dad worked out that she was thinking about that he would be really angry, and god knows what he would do to her, and I'm not letting her get hurt again.

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