I Can't Leave Her. I Just Can't

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(Chloe's POV)

I'm leaving in the morning. Whattttt??

I can't sleep because it's hurting me that I have to say goodbye to Beca in a few hours. We spoke about everything yesterday and she sort of opened up to me, but not fully. She cried a little, but I think that's the most I'll get out of her. I feel like she's going to struggle so badly when I leave, but I don't want to put her through that. She's such a good friend and I know she's going to find everything hard. I'll phone her every day and I'll talk to her every day, but I just hope she'll be okay without me being here.

As I try to go to sleep, I check my phone to see what time it is. It's 3 a.m, and there's a text from Beca on it. It read:

Beca: I'll be okay, don't worry about me. You'll always be my best friend and I'll miss you everyday, but I promise everything is gonna be fine. I love you xxx

I hate this. I don't want my best friend to have to go through life without me. I can't leave her.

(Beca's POV)

I've just woke up, it's 8 a.m, and shit, it's happening. Chloe's leaving. Wow this is going to be tough.

I go under my bed and pull out the gifts I bought for her. As I put on my half of the best friend necklace, Chloe got out of bed and opened the curtains. Her suitcases were lined up by the door of the apartment, and the apartment looked so empty. How on earth was I going to be able to stay in this place on my own?

Chloe turned around after opening the curtains, ran up to me and threw her arms around me. Next thing I know she's crying on my shoulder.

"I don't want to leave you" she wept.

"I don't want you to go" I replied.

At that point, Chloe's parents knocked on the door. I opened the door to them smiling, looking forward to moving away. They came inside and sat on Chloe's bed, while I went up to my bed and got the big gift bag off the bed. Chloe saw what I was doing and broke down right in front of me. For a second I panicked and didn't know what to do, but then I took her by the hand and tried to calm her down.

"Chloe come on, it's going to be okay" I said. "These are for you, it's not much, but I bought them the other day after I got sent home from work"

"Not much? Beca, this is amazing" Chloe said, as she opened up the little box which had the necklace in. I also put in a little note, saying: "There's a magnet on this, it specifically matches with mine, to show how strong our friendship is. Love, Beca xxx"

Straight after she opened it, Chloe got her phone out and put the two necklaces together. She took a photo of it to put as her lock screen. Then she opened the photo frame, and spent a good five minutes looking over all the photos with me, and laughing at the good memories we have together. It was good that I was making her laugh because she hadn't smiled in days.

Finally she opened the card. I was dreading this moment, because it was cringey for one, and two it would definitely make her upset. She opened it up to see the long paragraph that I wrote, and she read it out to me and her parents. It said the following:

To my best friend, Chloe,
Wow, I don't even know where to start.
I can't believe you're actually leaving me! It has made me so sad that you're going, but I'm sure I will be able to cope after a while.
Thank you for being so sweet since the day we met. I will never forget the day you were standing with Aubrey handing out posters for the bellas, and although Aubrey absolutely hated me at first, you were there to be nice to me and make me feel welcome. You helped me make some amazing friends, and I'm so sad we live a while away from the rest of them, because we can't go to see them regularly.
No matter what happens in the future, you will always be my best friend, and I will think about you every day. You have made me the person I am today, and without you I'd be someone completely different.
Chloe Beale, I love you so much and I hope I'll be able to see you soon. Enjoy your new life, love your best friend, Beca xxxxx <3

"Beca, I love you so much" Chloe said, as she gave me the biggest hug. She didn't want to let go, but neither did I. I could feel tears coming into my eyes, before they fell onto Chloe's shoulder. I knew I wasn't ready for this, and I don't know how I'm going to deal with it.

(Chloe's POV)

So Beca just gave me all these amazing gifts, and it's made me feel tense. We are waiting for the cab to take us to the airport, and I can't seem to want to let go of Beca's tiny hands. I'm stood here holding her hands and telling her how much I'll miss her. I could see that her emotions were actually starting to get to her now, and it hurt me so much that I couldn't stay to comfort her for much longer.

My parents began to take all the suitcases downstairs, ready for the cab to arrive, and I stayed upstairs, trying to get it all out of Beca.

"You're going to be okay Becs" I said, wiping a few tears from her face.

"I hope so" she replied. "I just don't want you to leave"

"I don't want to leave you, you don't deserve to be alone" I said, as I heard a car beep from outside.

Shit. It's the cab.

Beca took me by the hand, and walked me along to the lift downstairs.

As the lift started going down, we both broke down and hugged so tight. The doors opened, and we walked outside to the cab. My parents were begging me to get in, but I just couldn't. Beca was struggling to breathe properly because she was so upset, but I knew I couldn't do anything.

"Don't cry, don't cry Beca, it's okay" I wept. "I love you, and I always will. I'll call you when I get there, okay?"

Beca took a deep breath and squeezed my hand before letting me get into the cab.
"I love you so much Chloe. I'm going to miss you forever" Beca said.

She shut the door and covered her face with her hands for a few seconds. The cab drove away, and I blew Beca a kiss quickly, and she blew one back. I've never seen her so upset before, and it hurts me more than anything. I can't believe this is happening. I can't go to comfort my best friend, because I'm stuck moving to the other side of the world. Ugh, I can't do this. It's time. It's time to go, for good.

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