What. A. Mess.

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(Beca's POV)

I'm working on some mashups to try and take my mind off everything, when I get a phone call from DJ Khaled. Shit. What have I done now?

Beca: DJ Khaled?
Khaled: Beca, we need to talk. This past week you've done nothing at all. You've not been concentrating in the slightest, and you didn't even turn up yesterday! I love you always, and I will always support you, but I have many aspiring artists who really want to be part of this, and they would turn up every day and do their job. I am deeply sorry, Beca, but I'm going to have to let you go for now.

My heart sank. Fired? Seriously?

Beca: Oh, okay. I wasn't expecting that. I am so sorry, Khaled. There's just been a lot of things going on in my life this past week, so it's been hard to get my head around it, that's all.
Khaled: I understand, Theo told me what was happening with Chloe. We can definitely still keep in touch, I hope I'll be able to offer you another spot soon, as you're very very talented and beautiful and you deserve to be big. You deserve to be that big star you've always wanted to be.
Beca: Thank you so much, let me know if there's anything else I need to know about.

I take a deep breath whilst trying to come to terms with what the hell just happened. As it sinks in, I begin to think about what I'm going to do now that I'm not earning any money. My rent is due and I haven't got the money to pay for it. Me and Chloe used to split the cost so that we both still had money to spend on essentials, but now we can't do that, and I don't have enough money to pay it myself. I'm going to end up being evicted and I'll not have anywhere to stay. Everything's such a mess. I wish I wasn't so scared to live alone.

(Chloe's POV)

I just woke up from a short nap on the plane. It wasn't a nice nap, I'm still half asleep as I just woke up from a horrible nightmare. I wake up with tears streaming down my face and my hands shaking uncontrollably. My mom and dad are busy doing other things so they haven't noticed yet, but oh my god that was horrible.

It all started with me leaving, just like it had happened, and then Beca got fired. But then things started happening that haven't happened and it's scared me a lot. It was all about Beca and how she was coping without me, and I don't even want to think about it anymore because it's that bad. I just pray none of that will actually happen.

As soon as the pilots tell us we can use the WiFi and signal on the plane, I text Beca back. I can't believe DJ Khaled just fired her, when surely he knows what's going on?! She did nothing wrong and she tried her best, and she absolutely LOVED working for him, and now it's all come crashing down. I just don't want her to be upset.

"No way! No Beca that's not right! He shouldn't have fired you, this is unbelievable. I just want to give you the biggest hug, and I can't. You don't even realise how upset I am, I just had the worst nightmare and it's hurt me a lot. It was about you, but I'm not gonna say what it was coz it was horrible. Love and miss you loads and loads, Chlo xxx"

I'm starting to feel a pain in my stomach coming. I clutch it quickly, and I try to stop worrying about Beca, because it's just making it worse. But the pain won't go away. I start to panic as it gets worse, and my heart begins to beat really really fast. I put my hand on my chest, feeling my heart beating faster than I feel is humanly possible (okay, that's an exaggeration but you know what I mean) and I begin to stop breathing properly. I tap my dad on the shoulder. He takes his earphones out and puts his newspaper down and looks at me in shock.

"Chloe! What's wrong?" he asked.

"I had the worst nightmare about Beca and then I texted her back because I got a message before I went to sleep saying she got fired by DJ Khaled, and then I got a pain in my stomach and my heart started beating really fast and now I'm struggling to breathe properly" I say, while trying to get my breath back.

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