Chapter 7

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'I love you too Andy Fowler'
I've never felt this way towards anyone before since me and my ex broke up. He wasn't a nice person, he forced me into things I didn't want to do and when I refused he got angry and started hitting me. He was exactly like dad. I was with him for 2 years and those we some of the worse years of my life. I'm scared Andy will do the same. I've not been in a relationship since me and Dan broke up, I'm scared that I won't ever be able to trust someone as much as I did him.

However, with Andy I felt safe. We still had half an hour until we get to the boys flat and I fall asleep on Andy. I get woken up to Rye shouting ya saying 'AW! ARENT YOU TWO CUTIESSSSS!!!!!!' I look up and Andy glared at him and Rye just laughed and got out of the car. I get out the car and grab my bag and let the boys lead the way. Ginger comes up to me and says 'your gonna be fine here okay? Don't worry about it!' I nod at her and start walking up the stairs. We get to the famous number 64 and walk in. Jack shows me around the flat and tells me I can stop in the spare room. I go and put all my things in the room and I walk into the boys room and say hi. Rye and Mikey were cuddled up together editing the vlog, Brooklyn and Jack were sat next to each other laughing at something on Brooks phone and Andy was just laid in his bed on his phone. He instantly looks up and tells me to meet him in the kitchen in five minutes. I go into the spare room and put my phone on charge and walk into the kitchen to see Andy stood there already.

A= Andy
K= Kenzie

K- hey Andy, what did you wanna talk about?
A- hey Kenz, look I need to tell you something
K- okay? What is it?
A- i haven't stopped thinking about you since we were 13 and I saw you and your brother in the police car. I wanted to make sure you were okay, I wanted to tell you how I felt but I didn't know if you would feel the same
K- Andy, I feel the same way
A- really?
K- yeah, I best go to sleep, I'm so tired, night!
A- Night darling

I start to walk out the kitchen when Andy grabs my hand and kisses me. As we pull away I smile and walk out of the kitchen and into the spare room, I go into my room and realise I haven't got any clothes to sleep in. I shout 'oh for gods sake!!'
Andy comes running into my room and asks what's wrong, I tell him and he walks out of the room. He comes back a minute later with a black pikachu t-shirt, and he tells me to wear it. He also says he will take me to Westfield tomorrow. I thank him and he goes back into the boys bedroom and I get changed and go to sleep.

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