Chapter 14

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Andy's POV
Last night I went into Kenzie's room because I missed her.  She spent the night watching movies with Megan so I couldn't see her.  It was about 4 in the morning when I went into her bedroom.  She looked so cute when she's asleep.  I got into the bed and put my arm around her waist and fell asleep. 
I wake up to Brooklyn screaming because Rye and Mikey woke him up by scaring him.  Kenzie was already awake and she turns around to face me when she realises I'm awake.

K- morning babe
A- morning
K- how come your in my bed then?
A- i was lonely and I missed you
K- aw sweet, I love you Andy Fowler
A- i love you too miss Kenzie

I check my phone and realise it is already 1 so I get up and get into the shower.  Once I'm out I put some white skinny jeans and a red, baggy t- shirt on and head into the bedroom.  All the boys are already changed.  Rye is sat in his bed watching Netflix, Brooklyn is on his phone replying to tweets and Mikey has just gone out to meet Lauren.  I climb up into my own bed and get my laptop out and start watching YouTube videos.  About an hour later Kenzie came in and it looked as though she had been crying.  She realised the rest of the boys were in here too and she ran out the flat.

Mikey's POV
I walked out of the block of flats and I started walking down to the park and I saw Lauren. She looks gorgeous, her eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue. I really like her. I walk over to her and give her a big hug and then we sit down and we just talk for a while. About an hour later we hear someone coming and when they reached us I realised it was Kenz. I told Lauren I'd be one minute and I got up and ran over to her. She looked up and she was crying. I hug her and I feel her cry into my shoulder and say 'I can't do this anymore Mikey' I pull out of the hug and grab her hands 'Kenzie, you are the strongest girl I have ever met, you can get through this. You can stay with em and Lauren for a bit if you want' she nods her head and we start walking over to Lauren. Kenzie and Lauren started talking and they made really good friends. I'm glad they didn't hate each other! About half an hour later Brooklyn comes running to the park and tells us that Andy is having another panic attack because he thinks he has upset Kenzie. Kenzie gets up and tells me to stay with Lauren and she runs towards the flat. Brooklyn went running after her and soon me and Lauren were left alone again.

Kenzie's POV
I was sat with Mikey and Lauren for a while, Lauren was really sweet.  Suddenly Brook came running to us saying that Andy was having another panic attack because he thought he had made me upset.  I tell Mikey to stay with Lauren and I run back to the flat, Brooklyn follows me but he can't keep up.  Once I reach the flat I run into the boys room to see Rye sat in there on his own.  I ask where Andy was and he said in my room.  I run up to my room to see him sat on the floor next to my bed with his head in his hand.  I get on the floor next to him and tell him that it's not his fault I'm upset and that I love him.

Then there was a knock at the door and Brooklyn shouted for help.  Me and Andy ran into the hallway and Rye was already there.  It was dad...

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