Chapter 44

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Andy's POV
Today we are all going to the trampoline park because we haven't been in so long. I get into some joggers and a baggy t-shirt and go and make sure all the boys are ready. We all put some trainers on and head out to the car. Rye decides he wants to drive so it's me and Rye in the front and Brook, Mikey and Jack in the back. All the way there I can't stop thinking about Kenzie. What she doesn't get to England safe? What if she decided to stay in LA and didn't tell me? What if after what her mum has to tell her she won't want to see us again?

We get to the trampoline park and we go inside. A group of girls come running up to us and tell us that they are roadies. We get a few selfies with them and then it's our time to go on. We always hire it out for a few hours because we want to have time to ourselves and not have roadies come up to us every 5 minutes as a lot of roadies come here because they know we come here a lot. We are meeting Harvey, his girlfriend and a few of her friends. Harvey is always late though so they will probably turn up in about 10 minutes.

We take our shoes and our jackets off and put them in some lockers and then Rye grabs the go-pro as we have started vlogging again, Rye and I go onto the long trampolines and we do a load of flips.  Kenzie taught me to do front flips and back flips so now I can do them!  We hear the door open, I look over to the entrance and see Harvey, his girlfriend and two other girls.


Selena Gomez as Jess, Harvey's girlfriend

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Selena Gomez as Jess, Harvey's girlfriend

Selena Gomez as Jess, Harvey's girlfriend

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Malu as Molly

Kylie Jenner as Tillie

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Kylie Jenner as Tillie

Me and Rye go over to them and pull Harvey into a hug.  He then introduces us to everyone.

H- Harvey
A- Andy
R- Rye
B- Brooklyn
M- Mikey
J- Jack
Je- Jess
Mo- Molly
T- Tilly

H- hey guys! This is Jess, my girlfriend.
Je- hi!
M- hey, I'm Mikey!
J- hi I'm Jack
B- hey, nice to meet you in Brooklyn, but you can call me Brook
R- hey, I'm Ryan, but call me Rye.
A- hi, I'm Andy.
H- this is Molly
Mo- hey everyone!
All boys- hi!
H- and this is Tillie.
T- hii!
All boys- hey!
H- come on, let's go jump.

Rye's POV

Wow.  Tillie is really pretty,  she seems pretty shy though.  Me and Andy go and carry on doing flips and just messing around when Tillie and Molly come over to us.  We stop flipping and we start talking to us.  I think Andy can tell I like Tillie as he is talking to Molly, letting us have a conversation.  'Come on Molly, let's go over to the others' Andy says quietly.  As the walk off Andy turns around and gives me a quick wink and smiles and then turns back around.  Me and Tillie talk for about half an hour and then we decide to do some more flips.  She is a dancer and a gymnast so she can do loads of tricks so we are both really good.  At the end of the two hours we had booked, she gave me her number and then we bugged and said goodbye.  Me and the boys get into the car and then drive home. 

Andy's POV
By the time we are home, Kenzie texts me and says she's landing so I get back into the car and drive to the airport.  She got a ticket to Heathrow airport so it's not too far away from our flat.  I go and stand at the entrance waiting for her to come out.  I get a text from her saying she's just collecting her bag now and that she'll be about 15 minutes. 

About 10 minutes later I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see Kenzie stood there smiling.  I pulled her into a massive hug and we stood there for about 10 minutes until I pulled away and kissed her. 

A- I've missed you loads
K- I've missed you too babe.
A- love you
K- love you too.

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