Chapter 23

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Andy's POV

We leave the hospital and head back to the car. We all get in and the car journey home was silent. No one knew what to say or do until Brook finally comes out with 'I'm hungry, can we get pizza?' 'Brook! We ate like 2 hours ago you pig!' Mikey replies. 'Heyyyy, that's not fair' Brook whines. 'aw, is Brook gonna cry! joking mate!' Mikey says before bursting out laughing. Him and Brook can't help but laugh the whole way home. We drop Kyle off at the train station as he doesn't have a car anymore and then say our goodbyes to him. After his train has left we head back to the flat. Rye and Jack are already both asleep when we get home so we get changed as quietly as we can. The silence lasted about 2 minutes until Brook shoved Mike onto Jack and then wakes him up. Jack starts shouting at Brook and Mikey which then woke Rye up. Soon enough, Jack and Rye fell asleep again and me, Mikey and Brook were in bed. Me and Mikey got our phones and started to reply to snapchats and DMs on twitter and instagram and not long after we fell asleep.

Kenzie's POV

I wake up in a room with 4 white walls. It has one bed in it and a chair and that's it. Where am I? Soon after, a women walks in and says 'Morning Kenzie, how are you feeling today?' 'Who are you?' i ask confused. 'I'm your nurse, you were in a car accident last night which now means your in hospital. Don't be scared though, you should be out within the next few days.' I was in a car accident? I don't remember a thing. Andy! 'excuse me? where is Andy and the boys?' I ask the nurse. 'do you want me to call them and tell them to come down here?' she says back politely. 'yes please! thank you' 'it's okay Kenzie.'

Andy's POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. It's the hospital. What if something's happened to Kenzie?

H- hello, is this Andy Fowler speaking?

A- yes it is, is everything okay?

H- I assume you mean with McKenzie? she's doing fine, in fact, she should be allowed home soon!

A- that's amazing!

H- anyway, I'm calling to say that Kenzie has asked us to ring you to ask if you and the boys will come and see her

A- yes of course we will! Is it okay if we come down in about an hour?

H- yes of course, see you soon.

A- bye!

Come on boys! Wake up, we are going to the hospital. Kenzie misses us. One by one, Mikey, Rye, Brook and then finally Jack all woke up and start to get ready. Once we are all ready we get into my car and drive to the hospital. We walk in and go to the main desk. 'Hi, we are here to see McKenzie Lewis?' I ask the women sat behind the desk. 'ah yes, she's in room 6, go down that corridor on your left. We get to Kenzie's room and walk in. I go up to her and a massive smile appears on her face. I go to hug her and she says 'Andy! i've missed you so much' 'I've missed you too gorgeous' I say back. then back away o give the boys some room so say hello. She says hi to Rye, Jack and Mikey ad now it's Brooks turn. He goes to hug her and she suddenly hits Brooklyn round the face. Brook starts laughing as he thinks it's a joke. 'yooo, Kenz, what was that for?' Brook asks confused. 'Get away from me! who are you and why are you with the boys?' she questions him. 'very funny Kenzie.' Brook says, barely just a whisper. 'kenzie, are you okay babe?' I ask. 'who is he? and why are you with him?' she answers. What if the crash made her loose some memory?

Brook's POV

'who is he? and why are you with him?' Kenzie asks Andy. What if the crash affected her memory? No, that's impossible. Me and Kenzie are so close. 'Kenzie, it's Brooklyn. Do you not remember me?' I ask feeling a tear rolling down my face

'no I don't know who you are, I'm sorry...'

I run out of the hospital room and into the bathroom. I lock myself into a toilet and breakdown into tears. She'a my bestfriend, I can't loose her. How can she not remember me? I can't deal with this anymore. I'm done.


aw I hate seeing Brook upset. I'm gonna start a new book tomorrow. It's gonna be about Mikey. Go show it some love when it comes out

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