Chapter 2

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As soon as I leave Andy I run back to the tent and hear my dad shouting again.
'Kenzie! Where the hell have you been?!' He screams
'At the lake like I said I would be' I whispered
I was scared of my dad, i was scared he was going to hurt me so I ran inside the tent that was way too small for all of us but I went straight to sleep and pretty much as soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.

*the next day*
I wake up and ask my mum, who is sat outside on a camping chair, what time it was. It was half 10. I quickly run back into the tent and got ready then I told my Mum I was gonna go down to the lake again.

As I'm walking to the lake I'm thinking 'what if Andy doesn't turn up?' 'what if he doesn't really like me?' But I think, he was the one who made the effort to try and cheer me up. He was the one who told me to meet him here so here I am. I get to the lake and I didn't see anyone. I realise I'm probably early. After what seems like forever the sun starts to set and Andy still hadn't turned up. I get up and walk back to the tent. I heard someone shout my name, I turn around hoping it was Andy, but no it was Kyle. He ran up to me and told me that dad hurt Mum very bad and she needed help. His eyes were very red and puffy as if he had been crying. No 7 year old should have to go through this. I grab Kyles hand and run back to the tent. Mum is on the floor and dad is stood next to her, drunk again, laughing and calling her names and saying she doesn't deserve to live. I go and grab mums phone and ring an ambulance and then once I had finished on the phone I starting shouting at my dad.

K= Kenzie
D= Dad

D- Kenzie I don't know what you mean
K- you could've killed my mum!! And in front of my little brother
D- oh well!
K- once the police get here I never wanna see you again okay?
D- Kenzie please?...
K- don't bother
D- your my daughter! You should forgive me!
K- why would I forgive you when you could've killed my mum? Your wife!!!
D- well what would it matter if she died, I've got plenty of other girls anyway!
K- none of them would've ever been my Mum!
D- shut up kenzie! Your being selfish now
K- what?! And your not?
D- I wouldn't do that if i was you Kenzie, do you want the same fate as your Mum?

That's when I heard a familiar voice 'KENZIE! Are you okay???!!!!' I turned around to see Andy running up to me. He hugs me and I ask why he wasn't at the lake.

A- I'm sorry Kenzie
K- why wasn't you there? I was waiting for 6 hours!
A- i just didn't want to disappoint you
K- why would you disappoint me?
A- i mess everything up Kenzie, I'm so sorry
K- don't be sorry, I understand
A- id go to the end and back for you Kenzie, I really like you
K- I like you too, you should get going...
A- okay i guess we'll meet again?
K- hopefully! Here have my number
A- okay cool!

I give Andy my number then he walks off. A minute or so later I hear sirens. A police car and an ambulance turns up. They ask what happened and they arrest my dad. He tries to punch the police officer and he doesn't even flinch. The ambulance take my mum away and then another police car comes and tells us to get our stuff and our mums stuff and get in the car. We run into the tent shoving everything into the bags we brought but we left our dads things as he won't be needing them any time soon. We then put our bags in the boot of the police car and start driving to wherever we were going.

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