Chapter 2

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Every month America has a different type of meeting to go to. The one he hates the most is the G8 meeting that is because that meeting is filled with nations he had long history with. That mean they know Alfred very well, so the insults are even worse. The only good thing about this meeting is his brother Matthew.

He did not sleep well last night, the nightmares of the horrible words plagued him.

It took a lot of courage to come here.

He begged his boss before leaving to not let him go. But instead he got a lecture of doing his given job or something.

He wanted to go home. He didn't want to be here.

He would rather be anywhere but here. He would do anything to leave.

“Al, do you want to eat with me during break?”

Eat with him?

Did his brother not hear what everyone else said? He was fat. He doesn't need anymore food. He needed to workout, do something to burn out all the fat in his body. But he had to pull himself together. He just needed to put a smile on his face and march toward. Just like what his boss said. He was the one and only supernation, what will other nation think if he break down or do something out of character?

He couldn’t have that.

No….... no. No! His boss would be pissed.

The other nations will be upset…… Who knows what they would think of them?

His siblings will be very disappointed as well.


“Sorry bro! Not today.” He lied. “I have a mini meeting with my boss now and I’m late.” He quickly turned away and ran off.

He just lied to his other half.

His twin.

He just LIED to Mattie.

What a horrible person he is.


America walked back into the meeting room.

With every step he took, he was shaking.

He was scared.

The first part of the meeting had gone on like how meetings usually go on.

With him being the world's punching bag.

As he sat down, he looked around the room.

Somebody was gonna say something, blame him for something.

He tried to settle his shaking, but it was hard. He put his feet up on the chair and hugged himself.

When would this meeting end?

The fellow G8 members started walking in.

America looked at them and hugged himself even tighter. What would they say to him? Every meeting was the same, the first part had gone like every meeting and the second part would too.

He knew it.

No, no, no!!

Please, no more. The things others said about him were true but he couldn't take the insults anymore. They all did they same things.

Hurt him.

And shatter a bit of him inside.

Please, let this be over soon.

He started to whimper and buried his face in his knees.

He wanted to go home.

The insults started to fill his mind, America started to shake and whimper even more. He started to flinch with each painful memory of insults.

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