Chapter 4

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The siblings were upset, if it was up to them they would've grabbed their weapons and painted the meeting room with the blood of anyone who ever insulted their brother.

The insults have been going on for years. No matter how many times they nicely and sometimes angrily told them to shut up they would not listen.

It seemed like these people only understand violence.

The group finally got Alfred to sleep. After a bunch of crying and apologies the nation tired himself out after the events of today. Downstairs North and South America met.

After learning what happened the states and all the other siblings wanted to join the meeting and help plot the revenge but there were plenty of problems with that. The only one who can actually get close to the nations are nations and two, Canada felt that having too many people in the house will scare America to death. If he couldn't handle three then how can he handle more than fifty.

Even though all of South America could not come. Brazil, Ecuador and Argentina came. They were much older than the North Americans. Maybe they had a plan or something of some sort. Even if they act carefree most of the time. When it come to family they will do anything to help.

"Hey Co-" Brazil started to speak but was quickly shushed by Maria. Even though Alfred was upstairs asleep they didn't want to do anything that might wake him up.

Ecuador, quietly stared upstairs to where America was.

What had happened to his cousin?

He looked at the his other, younger cousins in the room. They all looked like they didn't really know what to do. Maria, Diego, and Canada looked a bit stressed out.

He was the oldest, the leader of this family. He had to do something.

"Those bullies did this," He said firmly but quietly, getting their attention, "He can't go to any meetings.... He won't go..... I don't want him making any contact with any of them."

The others agreed and nodded. Getting him away from the people who caused that breakdown, was one of the best things they could do.

Canada sighed and shook his head, "I should have done more."

They all looked at him, "Mattie, what do you mean by that?" Maria asked.

"I'm his twin, his older brother. I'm the oldest of North America, I should be protecting you three, from everything..... including words. I should have done something more than just tell countries to stop teasing Al. I probably could have prevented this," He ran his hands through his hair.

"Hermano," Diego placed a hand on his brother's arm, "It's those bullies fault and Al needs us right now, we're gonna get him through this."

Canada could only nod.

Maria thought back to earlier. Her brother had went through a breakdown for sure. But this wasn't like an emotional breakdown....... Yeah, the way he was acting..... She sighed, the insults her brother was facing had affected him physically before..... and maybe it still was.

But it was also affecting him mentally.

"What are we gonna do?" She asked, "Those insults obviously affected him mentally. So far all we have planned is making sure he has no contact with the other countries expect us."

"Maybe we should take him to America," Diego said.

They all looked at him.

"He might feel more comfortable in his country and more connected with nature."

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