Chapter 6

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“Due to reasons America and Canada, Ecuador, Mexico, Argentina and Brazil are unable to attend the United Nations meeting today.” Germany stated reading out from the paper given to him.

Some of the nations complained .
“We could skip? I didn't know we can do that. I want to skip this stupid and boring meeting too!” Lovino exclaimed. “Not like we get anything done.”

“I agree that these meetings are…useless. But their also important for international relationships. “ England stated.

“I agree.” Hungary nodded. “This is the only time we can talk to each other without our governments bothering us.”

Other nations shouted out their ideas as well.

The nations never actually had to present ideas to each other. That idea was proposed by America in the sixties. The idea gave more purpose to the UN meeting beside socializing and through years the meeting became what is is today.

But some will say the first six years were the best since they could do whatever they want.

“Did something bad happened to them? I saw the president walking in the hotel earlier. But he knew nothing about it.” Spain asked.

The remaining South Americans exchanged glances at each other. All knowing the reason why their cousins were unable to attend, in fact they want to get to the closest European and strangle them to death.

Spain looked at his kids, the South American countries that were there, “Mijos, why aren't they here?”

“Yes,” Portugal added, “Is Brazil sick?”

“They all have things to do,” Peru simply lied. It was not a good one but it was the first thing in mind.

“All of them?” Russia asked, “That's very hard to believe.”

Venezuela was getting mad, he had no right to learn where her cousin was when he was one of the nations who put him in the situation he was in right now, in fact almost all of the nations that caused Alfred to breakdown.  “Well believe it commie,” She snapped, shocking many nations.

“If they all had things to do, than why couldn't they just leave it for later?” Austria asked. “We all had similar problems before but we still have to go to the meeting. “

Colombia rolled her eyes, “Because their errands are really important.”

The countries noticed the attitude the South American Countries had.

“Are you all okay?” Germany asked. He was starting to get mad. After all an angry South America or an angry anybody from the American continent is usually bad and end up with a nasty hospital bill.

“Yeah…..” They all said. Looking away from everybody else.

“Can everyone just mind their damn business please!?!” Suriname shouted at them. “We’re tired of all your questions. They are busy that is final!”

Everyone just went back to what they were doing since for some unknown reason, South America was pissed.

“Wait, if the fatass-”

The nation was cut off when Venezuela pointed a gun at him….

The nation quickly quieted down and sank under his chair.

“Venezuela!” Spain exclaimed.

The said nation rolled her eyes and sat down. Gun still in hand ready to shoot anyone who talk out of turn.

This is going to be one tense meeting.

Anyways, let's check on Alfred.


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