Chapter 31

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The President smiled at the country in front of him..

America had silently come in and sat down, he only nodded at his boss. He looked like he was expecting some work.

Yes... It had worked... See? All he had to do was crush Alfred's weaknesses.

No more crying, whimpering, begging.

Heck, he barely spoke now and that was alright. As long as he got the work done. As long as he proved himself.

And that was exactly what was happening.

Superpowers couldn't afford to be weaklings. That was a huge no. America had to be strong. Didn't he want that too?

Didn't matter.

Thanks to him, America wouldn't fall. Thanks to him, America would go on as the leader. All thanks to him.

You can basically say that he saved his nation's life.

Huh, looks like Alfred owed him now.

He looked at his nation, he was staring straight ahead.

The Pres nodded in pride. America looked very attentive. Yes... He had done that.

He did that.

All that work had been worth it, he had broke Alfred's weak behavior and molded him into a strong minded country.

He had saved the Free World.

So what America didn't smile as much as he used to before this whole thing, so what he barely spoke anymore? He was strong, that's all that mattered.

Alfred didn't matter much. America did. So if Alfred was down and weak, America was vulnerable.


If Alfred was strong and mighty. America was invincible.

America was the real deal.

Alfred didn't have anything to lose. Alfred just affected America, and that's all that mattered.

It had been so simple really, all he had to do was just take control and shape up Alfred and America was saved.

Honestly, he should get a Nobel Peace Prize for this. He was a freaking genius!!


Alfred's eyes snapped over to his boss. "Sir."

He sounded so strong, not weak like before.

"I have to say. I am very proud of your progress."

Alfre only nodded.

"The agents have told me that you don't cry or whimper anymore. That you don't complain and ask for the things you use to. Very nice."

America nodded again.

Alfred had stopped asking for the lock to be removed, to go outside, and for more food.

He had gave up with that.... That was the price of being strong.

The President smiled. Now that Alfred was better, he wanted to see how he would do with this. Consider this.....

A Test.

And then maybe. Just maybe he would have the lock on the window removed.
Not take him outside yet or give more food.

There was a such thing as too much privilege. He had to keep a hold on Alfred you know.

"And because of your behavior, America. I decided to let you attend a meeting."

Alfred looked up. What?

His boss nodded, "I think you're ready for it. I expect you to not talk to them though."

He simply nodded. "Understood."

"I will have some agents go with you too."

A nod.

"And if you succeed in this. I will consider getting the lock off the window."

Alfred nodded. But did the lock even matter anymore when he had so much work to do? He didn't want to disappoint. "That's alright sir."

The President smiled. He was so proud!! He had done such an amazing job. "I'll still consider it. You might need some fresh air."

Alfred nodded and said nothing more.


America silently got up and left the office.

The President smiled. He had shaped the world's superpower.

He was ready.


Here we go.

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