Chapter 18

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Russia started to think about this whole thing. It was pretty funny when he thought about it, you know? America's condition.

It was pretty interesting to see the Superpower like that.

The 'big and strong' America was now weak and fearful.

Pretty amusing, right?

Anyway, how and when could he reach Alfred? If America went down, than Russia would be able to come up. This couldn't fail, he couldn't fail.

But he doubted the American's family would let him within a yard of him. Damn, he had to be slick with it.

He had to get America alone, somehow.



He would have to wait and slowly plan this out.

That's the only way this would work.


Everything would happen in due time.

Russia started to smile, this would be fun.


"Thanks for coming guys," Colombia said as she opened the door for Australia, Kenya, and Jamaica.

"How is he?" Jamaica asked with worry. Ever since the world had seen the state of America, he had been constantly on her mind.

North and South America had decided that it would help if some of Alfred's colonial siblings spent some time with him. It would help him get out of his shell a little more and he also was barely talking to them due to the lack of trust all of a sudden. So it would be good for him to socialize with some people, plus he laughed alot with these guys too.

"He's.... Doing okay," She lied, "A little progress was made a while ago."

"That's good to hear," Kenya said, "You think he'll want to talk with us?" She asked.

She nodded, "He loves you guys. I doubt he'll push you away much..... He just needs good people behind him and that'll help him."

Australia nodded, "Well, we'll do whatever we can to help him. He doesn't deserve this."

Colombia smiled as Canada walked down the hall, "Good, you guys are here. I'm so glad. Al's up in his room, he'll barely talk to us much," He sighed.

"What? Why?" Kenya asked.

"Sometimes, he just wants to be alone, but it's good if he talks to someone," Canada pointed to Alfred's room, "He's in there.Try not to be too loud, that scares him and try not to touch him or anything. He tenses up and gets really uncomfortable at that."

The three nodded and started to walk up the stairs.


America was just lying on his bed staring at the ceiling. He was deep in thought.

Why was his family lying to him?

Were they against him too?

Was something wrong with him?

Most likely....

They wouldn't lie to him right? They couldn't, they were his family. He.. he needed them... If they were against him too, then- then.

Alfred started to cry, a few tears escape before he heard a knock.

He ignored it but then looked up again as he heard it again.

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