Chapter 33

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Something was so much different about him.

Canada couldn't help but notice it as nations started to walk out the meeting room, his twin was so much quieter. Like, shouldn't the government somehow have taken care of that? Helped him out with that?

Alfred was still sitting down, staring at the table. He looked so..... He couldn't even read his brother's expression.

Something was wrong......?

He kinda wanted to go talk to Alfred but, from the moment they came it. Those agents had been staring at his family, as if daring them to make a move over to him.

Wait.... The way, his brother's clothes hung off of him... Did Alfred lose weight? No.... That couldn't be... America had been skinny last time he had seen him, but they had managed to get his brother to gain some weight while he was in their care.

He couldn't have lost weight... He shouldn't have.

"Does he seem skinner to you guys?" He finally asked his family.

"I thought I was the only one who noticed it," Bolivia said worriedly.

"Same," Brazil nodded, "But he doesn't want us around.. That's probably what the agents are for."

Venezuela shook her head, "There's something more here. Like.. like something's wrong."

"Guys," Chile said, "He seems sadder..."

"Por qué?" Peru asked, "That's exactly what he wanted, the government to take him. He got his wish, so shouldn't everything be fine? He thought the government would be better... than us."

That was true... it really was.

Diego sighed looking at his brother, he... he wanted to go talk to him. But he knew he would be allowed to. There were freaking Secret Service agents walking right over to him and watching them.


"Something's wrong guys," He simply said. America did look a bit skinner. But that made no sense. The government said they would help him...

Which you know, included feeding him.

Paraguay got up, "I'm going to talk to him." And they all looked at him, when Ecuador looked surprised as he walked away from them.


America saw Paraguay coming over to him and hope started to fill his heart. Maybe his cousin could help him.

Would he help him?

India had asked him if everything was going alright and he had spoke to some other colonial siblings. They all were worried about his well being...... Just like his family had been.

"Alfie," Nevis said, "If anything at all happens, promise you'll call me? Or at least talk to someone?"

Out the corner of his eye, he saw the agents watching Paraguay closely.

They let his other siblings talk to him, but not his North or South American family. That kinda hurt...

"I will," He nodded at his sister. She smiled and kissed his cheek but when she pulled away, she gave him a concerned look.

"Y-you.. It looks like you lost weight."

Before he could respond there was yelling. 

"No!!! You let me talk to him, damnit!!" Paraguay yelled, gathering the attention of those still in the room. "He's my cousin!!" The agents were blocking the way.

"Yes," One agent nodded, "And cousins kidnap cousins."

Paraguay growled and lifted up his fist to freaking knock a bitch out-

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